
Yes its time to go flying so ... Any of you have your RV4 Dynon AP settings handy, as a starting point that is?

Found this in the forums for an RV10 which is quite different plane though ...
  • Torque 90
  • Sens 20
  • Aspd min 83
  • Airsp max 190
  • Vspd 500
  • Pitch gain 30
  • Alt gain 18
  • Vsi gain 25
  • Pull rate 18
  • G err gain 16
  • G err limit 17

Your settings?

Thanks Robert
As a starting point just go with the defaults.

Started flying my 4 with the Skyview Classic last week. No changes from the default settings required so far, even in mild turbulence, after 16 hrs to date. The only change from default my 7 required was a small reduction in pitch gain.
Use the Dynon Autopilot Tuning Guide

I strongly recommend starting with the default settings and then use the Dynon Autopilot Tuning Guide you can download from Dynon's site. Do the steps in the order given. If adjustment is needed I have not seen a plane go past Step 2 in the ten or so systems I have installed. I have "repaired" two systems that went with settings people got from somewhere else and input without flying the plane. Reverting all settings to default and using the guide fixed both.