
Well Known Member
RV6a. Sv 32 roll servo. D100 AP 74 and hs34. I have the sensitivity set all the way down to 1. The stick still has ? twitching ? , stick jumping back and forth. Does not twitch all the time but probably every 10 to 15 seconds for probably 4 or 5 bumps. If I set sensitivity higher say at the factory 10 it gets more pronounced. Higher setting and almost out of control. Any suggestions?
Did you follow Dynon's autopilot tuning instructions found in chapter 6 of their installation guide? The various parameters are somewhat related, so starting from factory defaults and following their instructions closely is important to getting a good stable system.
Is there any chance you have a broken sheer screw? I have seen broken sheer screws that are steered, allowing the arm to move about 10 degrees before catching and holding back and forth. This caused a similar situation to what you are seeing. Check the roll servo arm for a broken sheer screw. It should certainly not be twitching at all with a low activity setting.