
Well Known Member
How many people are using their Dynon as an encoder? If you are, how is it working? Can the Dynon display the altitude that is being squwaked to ATC?

Finally, is anyone looking to sell a dynon serial to gray code cable? - Thanks!
Yep works fine

It works fine as an encoder. You have to ask dynon but the squawked altitude should be the same as indicated altimeter when set to 29.92 Baro. I'd guess Dynon uses the same pressure transducer for both encoder and altimeter. The encoder only has resolution to to a 100', so indicated Alt. may be off +/- from what sent. It has to be closer than a blind encoder and a mechanical altimeter, which has its own random errors. It's really pretty simple.

Dynon sells a nice serial to grey code converter for a reasonable price ($80).

I came across a home-made, roll-your-own, serial-to-grey code converter design you can make as a project. LINK For what dynon sells theirs for, its a deal. I would not bother making it unless you're an electronic hobbyist looking for a challenge. He provides PCB files to make the circuit board and firmware to flash the microprocessor. Here's the schematics. LINK
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Works great, less cost!

In Charlotte we have to have them certified prior to our inspection as we are under the Class B airspace. The guy who tested mine said he had never seen one so accurate. :D
I am using the Dynon/Garmin 327, only need 2 wires. Stein set me straight on this combo. pressure alt shows up on the garmin.
I'm using the Dynon as an encoder as well. I have a Garmin GTX-320A transponder which only accepts gray code, so I needed the serial to gray code converter from Dynon.

Originally I was going to use a standalone encoder for my transponder, but I had a hard time locating a place to put the encoder (and my setup is SIMPLE). I bought the Dynon converter which is tiny and mounted it on the subpanel. It works great. As mentioned already, you can just set the Dynon to 29.92 (very fast with the preset button they have in the menu) to see exactly what your Dynon is sending to the transponder.

I finished my airplane in a huge hangar I shared with an avionics shop so I had them do a transponder check -- mainly because I was just curious if the darned thing worked. Yep, it worked like a champ and continues to work great.