
Well Known Member
I'm thinking of changing out my Van's Pitot probe for a Dynon heated Pitot/AOA probe. I'd really like to have the AOA input to my SkyView. However, I'm not pulling the wings off or doing any of that sorta radical stuff to make it happen. So, my question for all of you experts is this. What would be required to make this conversion. Have any of you done this?

I recently installed the Dynon probe on my RV-4. Remove the left fuel tank and the wing inspection plate. I was able to reuse the pitot mask.
Hi Randy

I originally installed the Vans Pitot tube on my RV7.

Changing over to the Dynon pitot and SafeAir mast was easy to do via the access panel on the bottom of the wing. I had installed conduit for wing tip strobes and leading edge lights.

You will need to pull an extra plastic line though for you angle of attack plus wiring so I guess your only issue is do you have to conduit or some other form of plumbing in place to allow you to put these extra cables and tube into place?

Rolled my own AOA system based on pictures of what Mel did. Works like a champ and is very accurate. I was fortunate since I already had a second static line ran into the wing for the now since removed Piper blade probe. I made the access panel out of some material that I had laying around from a instrument panel modification, .050" 7075 material. The two tubes were formed to nest together without any pressure, the JB Weld is just to make them one unit.

Cost was very minimal since I used material that was already in the hangar.

I removed the standard Vans pitot from the -8 and added a heated pitot/mast to the access panel. Easy stuff.