
Well Known Member
Dynon Avionics is proud to announce two new products to our EFIS line. The D6 and D60 are simpler versions of our D10A and D100 EFIS units. Designed for those builders that want an affordable replacement for a 6-pack or are looking for the perfect backup to a more complex panel, the D6 and D60 are priced at $1600 and $1900 respectively. These prices make a glass panel a less expensive option than steam gauges for most installs, while also reducing weight, installation complexity, and panel space. To further sweeten the deal, the D6 price includes the popular remote compass, while the D60 includes a remote compass and the high brightness screen.

The D6 and D60 are built on the same platform as the current D10A and D100, and have the same attitude, altitude, airspeed, heading, vertical speed, and turn coordinator performance and functionality.

The price reduction reflects a removal of some features from the D10A and D100, such as the HSI, DSAB networking to other units, Autopilot, GPS connectivity, and others. Options such as Angle of Attack, battery backup, and the altitude encoder converter are all still available with the D6/D60. The only non-supported option is OAT. At any time a D6 or D60 can be upgraded to be a full D10A or D100 (no, not for free).

The D6 and D60 can be ordered now and will begin shipping on May 29th.

More information can be found at our website at Dynon Avionics. A comparison chart is also available.

In a time where some manufacturers are increasing their prices (Lycoming), Dynon has taken a step to make flying more affordable.

It (almost) makes sense for the back seat of a tandem. One problem is that the altimeter setting is not ganged, so the GIB has to do that manually. It sure would be nice to have a pure repeater mode, so that information from the front seat is replicated in the back seat slave (as long as serial data is present). That would save running pitot, static and aoa lines to the back.

These prices make a glass panel a less expensive option than steam gauges for most installs, while also reducing weight, installation complexity, and panel space. To further sweeten the deal, the D6 price includes the popular remote compass, while the D60 includes a remote compass and the high brightness screen.

Boy isn't that the truth! I'd be pretty hard pressed to find an option for my customers that offered even close to equal functionality with steam gauges for anywhere near the same price.

Many moons ago when I built my first RV6 I bought the best instruments money could buy at the time...certified SigmaTek cageable gyros...and spent more money than that on ONE gyro....only to go on an promptly ruin them with acro! :)

Years later I anxiously awaited receipt of my new Dynon D10 and at the time it was functionally much as these unit are, but more expensive. It's quite amazing how far these boxes have come in a relatively short time. I'm still flying my RV6 with the D10 (now finally upgraded to a 10A), and it's kind of ironic that we now all think of this as "back to basics" when not too many years ago this was space age! As we all get wound up in the latest bells whistles on all the new EFISes out there, sometimes it's nice to look at even these "basic" boxes for the marvels that they are.

It's really too bad our brethren in certified planes are still being forced to use the old stuff....and pay more for that privilege.

Anyway, I have nothing of particular value to add other than from my standpoint I've seen an entire product go through a couple generations, come full circle back to what I'm still flying behind....and all done in a relatively short time! Makes you wonder what lies ahead?!? Dynon drives yet another nail into the coffin of steam gauges...both from a primary and backup standpoint.

GPS Aiding for Pitot Icing

They also added a nice new feature to use GPS ground speed for imu aiding in the event your pitot ices up. It's documented in the user guide for the D6, and also in a comparison chart, but I don't see any new software updates for the rest of the line yet.

A full EFIS backup for $1600????

And the GPS backup for the ADAHRS aiding is SWEEEET!


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...I don't see any new software updates for the rest of the line yet.

Stand by, it is coming. The beta testers have been working through a bunch of improvements and new features. Spring weather has kept a number of us beta testers in their hangars.

Paige wins the easter egg hunt!

All Dynon EFIS products now include "GPS Assist." If you hook a GPS up to your Dynon EFIS (and most people already have), then if the pitot port ever stops responding in flight, the EFIS will use GPS as a backup to the attitude solution, allowing you to continue safe flight with the EFIS as the primary reference, even in IMC.

GPS Assist is standard in the D6/D60, and will be available in free the 5.1 software update for all other EFIS products. 5.1 should be available for download early next week.

We'll have more information on how GPS assist works and why we went with this solution when 5.1 is released.
Very cool, I was thinking about a Dynon for my kitfox, but didn't want the full meal deal. This sounds great. I'll be looking into this one.

As someone else mentioned, the little box I'd most like to have is a dumb repeater for the buttons/display for my D180. Even better, an assignable screen mode for the dumb repeater, so engine info can be displayed on the repeater, primary flight on the master unit. The redundancy of a D180+D100 is not required for my mission.

Rick 90432
As someone else mentioned, the little box I'd most like to have is a dumb repeater for the buttons/display for my D180. Even better, an assignable screen mode for the dumb repeater, so engine info can be displayed on the repeater, primary flight on the master unit. The redundancy of a D180+D100 is not required for my mission.

Ditto on that request. I'd like a dumb repeater for the rear seat of an -8. Just a screen hooked up to DSAB that will allow the rear seat px to display what he/she wants. Don't need redundancy, just a display that will show what's on the front panel. The long cylinder sticking out the back of a D10A is not required for this I think...
Rick, we already have the product you are asking for. A D100 and D120 gives you two screens, where you can display anything you want on either screen. The cost is only $1200 more than a D180, which is much less than we could ever make a 7" repeater screen for.

For actual repeater screens, without a serious re-design, the size of the units would not change without the sensors. The power supply, backlight controller, and some other stuff takes up the space in the "tube" on the D10A and the box on the 100 series. Because of the relatively low volume on these repeater screens, and their need to be a totally new design in order to be thin, I don't think we could sell one for any less than these prices, and that would really limit the sales potential.

If people are interested in a 7" and 4" repeater screen that is exactly the same size as a D100 or EMS-D10 is today, let us know, since that may be a viable product if there is enough interest. We have always assumed that they would need to be much shallower. We aren't going to be able to sell them for $800 or anything super low though.

I know it's not perfect for current customers, but we have designed the next generation product to be very thin (about 2") so that it can be used pretty much anywhere in an aircraft.
I will intall a dynon D120 and D100 in front of my RV-8, also I will very interested in a dumb 7 inch repetear for back seat.
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Screen scraper

Seems to me there would be a larger market for a generic screen scraper that could work with multiple vendor products. Would merely replicate what is being shown on the front seat display, no controls. Could be done with a video feed! Combine this with a GPS and I think the back seater would be a happy camper.
<<Would merely replicate what is being shown on the front seat display, no controls.>>

Exactly the product I'd want. Single cable, w/ power, ground, and whatever needed for the display signal. Just a display, no buttons, no knobs, no independent functions.

7" LCD TFT color monitors for in-vehicle headrest video are $100 -$200 retail, so it's not even necessary to develop or sell screens. Current EFIS units already output some sort of signal to display on another EFIS. I cheerfully admit to being an electronics idiot, so please humor the dumb question. Why isn't a signal convertor possible for this app? There's the product.
We do not output a video signal out of any of our products, so there isn't a way to hook it up to a normal TV, which is what all those inexpensive LCD's are. The signal we send to other EFIS units is a digital, low bandwidth signal that just says things like "pitch is 7 degrees and airpseed is 128 knots". The other EFIS has a processor in it and the software that knows how to re-draw the full screen based on the simple information.

When you design an LCD into your product, you hook up to it digitally, with a bunch of wires, because it's only 2 inches from your processor. These wires cannot be run any real distance, and they aren't a standard like VGA or NTSC.

It would of course be possible to design a converter that is inside the EFIS, but then we'd have to charge a premium to every customer for the hardware, software, connector, and product support that something like that adds.

As a final issue, unless your external LCD is exactly the same resolution as the one that is in the product, things like text become unreadable. Most LCD's on the market are nowhere near the resolution of the ones we run inside our products, and NTSC doesn't support the resolution, so it would need to be VGA, and small VGA monitors cost a lot more.

So as you can see, we've considered something like this before, but it's not technically possible with our current products.
>>we have designed the next generation product to be very thin<<

I am at that point where I need to commit pretty soon or it is going to be holding me back on my project. Do you have any idea when the next generation will be available, or at least have build prep data and accessories available?
D6 for me

This is great news - I was planning on a D10A as my backup EFIS (backup to AFS, I want to have 2 dissimilar PFDs). Now I'm going to buy a D6. Will there be any Oshkosh deals?
Display in the back? Why not use video?

Many folks have set up bullet cameras for in-flight videos.

Why not use a small digital camera recorder and attach a bullet camera to it?

You could mount the bullet cam in a fixed out of the way position and aim it at the desired area of the panel (or all - include GPS screen too).

Craft a mount/dock for for the camera so it could be "docked" & connected to the remote camera.

un-dock and disconnect (the bullet) and back seat passenger can capture video high-lights of the flight.

I have an old (not too big but heavy) Sony Hi8 camcorder that I have connected a to cheap (less than $60 when I bought a couple years ago) bullet cam that plugs right in. This bullet camera uses an ac power supply that outputs 12vdc, so no big deal, drop the PS and run a power outlet to the back seat.

My scenario could be crafted for less than $300 including the bullet cam ($60+/-), and a refurbished digital camcorder ($150 +/-) and $5 for a garage sale tripod that is used to create the mount. Add scrap aluminum, mix well and there you go.

Remote display and something for the rear passenger to entertain themselves with
Nice to see some manufacturers think of both ends of the market. Way to go! Dynon.
Now how about a D140(FlightDek Lite) for $2000.:D:D:D
Do you have any idea when the next generation will be available, or at least have build prep data and accessories available?

It will most likely be next year before the new system is out. If you need something before then, you shouldn't consider that as an option. We do have the sizes of the screens available, but we don't have much else for public consumption.
Will there be any Oshkosh deals?

Dynon never has show deals. We want you to buy when you are ready, not just because you're at a show. We don't even sell at shows. On top of that, we sell at as low a price as we can every day, so we can't really lower prices. Ask the companies selling stuff for 2X-4X our prices for the show specials ;)
It will most likely be next year before the new system is out. If you need something before then, you shouldn't consider that as an option. We do have the sizes of the screens available, but we don't have much else for public consumption.

Do you have any plans to have ADS-B functionality? FIS-B and TIS-B would make your Next Generation unbeatable.
The next system has plans to be "everything". We're building a very flexible system with lots of inputs and connectivity options, and a processor that can handle everything we can imagine.

It will not have ADS-B on the day it releases however. Until we feel that there is a good, and most importantly, affordable option for something like ADS-B, weather, Mode-S, or whatever, Dynon generally doesn't put their energy into supporting it. We sell the most affordable glass cockpit devices, and it doesn't make sense for us to write the code to support a devices that costs more than our units.

Once the product releases, we'll be looking into all the ways to expand it, and we'll be deciding on the order based on all the factors in the market.

Long story short, yes, we expect it to do ADS-B someday, but we can't answer when at this point.