Mark Dickens

Well Known Member
Need some help in finalizing the mounting location for a Dynon AHRS (Skyview). Since the unit has the magnetometer in it, it has to be separated from ferrous materials and the only location I can come up with that meets this requirement and allows access for maintenance is aft of the baggage area. I am thinking about building a shelf from one longeron (the middle one) across to the other.

Any thoughts, pro or con about this?
Mark, that is what I did. I can show you a pic when I get home but the middle longeron works well. I mounted two ADAHRS units onto two pieces of angle stock. I used non ferrous hardware to screw them to the longerons. I am not flying yet but I believe I have addressed the distance for magnetic interference issue sufficiently.
Mark, here is a link to how I intend to mount my ADAHRS unit. I am using only one unit, but there is enough room for two.

RV-8 fuse

Interfering with the final riveting was one of my concerns, but I guess a Cherry rivet would get the job done. There just aren't many places to put this thing are there? I had thought about putting it further forward so I could get to it for maintenance, but your location gets it farther away from the bellcrank area and any autopilot servo. I just might move this back like you've done. Thanks
Mark, I didn't put mine back as far as Steve did. I'm about 1 to 1.5 feet behind the rear bag wall. Like you say, you need to get to it for maint. Final riveting will be no prob if you use screws to fasten the angles to longerons. Bob
Here is how I did it.
ADAHRS Location

I located mine just in front of the stab. Added an access panel about the middle between the bulkheads for access to the ADAHRS and for riveting the turtle deck. I left enough service loop in the wiring and plumbing to pull the unit outside the fuselage for service. The aircraft is not complete so I don't have any information about how well it will work in this location. I had to modify the mount slightly resulting in the oddly shaped ends, the initial position was a bit too far back for the plugs to clear...
