
Well Known Member
I had a few back & forth emails with Dynon seeking to find out if they have anything on the drawing board regarding providing an ADS-B reception and display system so in-flight Metars/TAF/Nexrad/etc would be available.

Steve said he just came back from an engineering briefing wherein he learned that something that will provide ADS-B is now an an engineering design project that (seemingly) is just begun its first stage of thinking about/developing something. Just FYI I plan to wait and see.

dynon com radio

I also see they are working on radios for sky view
that would mean an even cleaner panel in the -12
I hope they do NAV/GS/LOC/Marker too
The challenge with ADS-B is the requirement for a waas certified ifr GPS (GNS-4XX). That's where the money is, so just providing a UAT or transponder won't fulfill the official requirements.
I'm confused!!

The Trig ADS-B IN Receiver is advertised as showing Traffic, with no mention of Weather. I thought that the ADS-B In was for displaying Traffic and Weather. If this Trig is installed, it seems that yet another receiver might be needed to receive Wx?
Wonder why they didn't mention it.