
Well Known Member
I contacted Dynon regarding their "new" ADS-B replacement unit several months ago. They responded that I was on the waiting list... Then I was informed there were issues with the unit and they expected to have those resolved shortly; they would contact me.
So, here we are into a new year and I've not heard from Dynon yet about their nifty new unit. There's not been any chatter on VAF that I'm aware of. So quoting a WWII message... The world wants to know... Where's the ADS-B? (For those history buffs.) ;)
Anyone aware of the status of the "new replacement ADS-B" units and when they may be available?

I contacted Dynon regarding their "new" ADS-B in replacement unit several months ago. They responded that I was on the waiting list... Then I was informed there were issues with the unit and they expected to have those resolved shortly; they would contact me.
So, here we are into a new year and I've not heard from Dynon yet about their nifty new unit. There's not been any chatter on VAF that I'm aware of. So quoting a WWII message... The world wants to know... Where's the ADS-B? (For those history buffs.) ;)
Anyone aware of the status of the "new replacement ADS-B" units and when they may be available?

For a long time the SV-472 ("new replacement ADS-B") Dual Band ADS-B in, was showing as "out of stock" on the Dynon store but is no longer indicating that status. Appears to be readily available by THAT clue.

As the OP asks, "Where's the beef?" and I'm only guessing but the world is beginning to wake-up to the 2020 deadline, other options such as NavWorx have run into problems, and demand seems to be increasing as the benefits of ADS-B in for TIS/FIS spreads. My inclination is that they are serving customers the new replacement units but our 'upgrade offer' units are; 1) lower priority (because we already have a -470 mono-band), and 2) we were notified that our requests would be filled 'in the Spring' and, 3) uAvionix is working their fannies off to keep up with demands.

This past weekend I flew with Dave McNeil in his RV-10, which has an older GRT back-up EFIS, and used my mini-iPad & ForeFlight. His GRT was feeding the FF via WiFi all the TIS/FIS and it was also updating all the other dynamic data such as ATIS updates. By contrast my Dynon SkyView D1000 (Classic) & SV-470 mono-band does NOT give all to FF, yet. I'm hoping that the SV-472 delivers on that feature, which for whatever reason has not been provided (Suggested by another thread).

Looking forward to delivery and hoping for full functionality of these features, in a unit that is reliable, and supportable. So far Dynon has not failed to deliver products/support that meets or exceeds my expectations.

Of course, 'Spring' in AZ comes earlier than many parts of the country we hope that Dynon is not calibrating the seasons based on the Northern Plains (or Planes).
An update on the Dynon forum yesterday suggests they have fixed a few issues but are still working on one or more fixes/improvements - both hardware (uAvionics) and software.

That thread was started by a user who has the 472 and experienced traffic drops until he installed a low cost 1090 filter in-line to the unit and saying it now works as expected.

Thread link here.
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Dunno is still working through some issues with Uavionix, who seems to be having filtering problems across the board with their products where there is a high density of towers.
I took delivery 5 months ago

It came with the package that included all the other pieces of my Skyview Touch system. First I've heard of "issues". I wonder if the unit they sent me is in need of an upgrade or replacement?
It came with the package that included all the other pieces of my Skyview Touch system. First I've heard of "issues". I wonder if the unit they sent me is in need of an upgrade or replacement?

You have an original 472. They stopped distributing them mid-summer. Standby for the testing to conclude. I would assume that Dynon will offer some sort of upgrade, but I don't know that to be true.
That thread was started by a user who has the 472 and experienced traffic drops until he installed a low cost 1090 filter in-line to the unit and saying it now works as expected.

Thread link here.

I just ordered this filter and will install it on my -472 as soon as it arrives and will post my results good, bad or indifferent. FWIW I am doing it because I like to "tinker" with things like this, especially in an experimental airplane.

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His GRT was feeding the FF via WiFi all the TIS/FIS and it was also updating all the other dynamic data such as ATIS updates.

I am a GRT user, but didn't know this was possible. Do you know what output settings on the GRT allow this? I am guessing he has a USB to WiFi adapter.

Will follow-up -

I am a GRT user, but didn't know this was possible. Do you know what output settings on the GRT allow this? I am guessing he has a USB to WiFi adapter.


Larry: will have to get details on the GRT model and will PM/email you (to avoid thread drift here.)

I will say that nothing on FF was changed to display TIS/FIS and ATIS updates real-time. Just had to select the WiFi link and viola' ... magic.
I just ordered this filter and will install it on my -472 as soon as it arrives and will post my results good, bad or indifferent. FWIW I am doing it because I like to "tinker" with things like this, especially in an experimental airplane.


I also ordered the filter, installed it today and did some flying. In a nut shell it was not as good as the direct connection, I had more drop outs with the Dynon 472 and the filter and they lasted much longer.

I did the testing at 3500' MSL north of ATL. I used a Garmin GLD39 and Garmin Pilot as a reference. My ADSB antenna is located on the belly behind the luggage area. The transponder is also located on the belly front right corner right behind the firewall.

Even though I have dropouts without the filter, they are few and generally re-display quickly, so not as bad as others have reported.
Flew with mine on a 1.5Hr flight and at least to me it seems I had less drop outs than before. But once again my Stratux on FltPlanGo display was much more stable with no drop outs. I will do it again next week for comparison.

Testing filter

After reviewing the 'notch filter' from FlightAware it seemed the range of bandwidth of the filter is wide enough to incorporate both 978 and 1090Mhz. This being the case, and the intent is to attenuate interference on either side of that range, it made sense to give it a try on my SV-ADSB-470 single band (1070Mhz) unit ... for the sake of getting a baseline.

Yesterday I made two 1.5 hr flights, from Phx AZ (FFZ) to Whiskey Creek NM (94E). Anyone familiar with this geography knows the remote nature of the SW deserts, and this is very unpopulated. However, the SW is also well known as a significant flight training region with several major facilities, and 100's of A/C. Weaving in and out of the Class B (Mode C veil) is an eye-opener for ADS-B 'in' newcomers.

Ground Stations are not as significant outside the major metro centers, and numerous mountain ranges obscure line-of-sight RF. I'm looking forward to Dual Band where plane-to-plane RF may enhance the picture of traffic.

Unless someone can suggest a way to empirically illustrate the 'with vs without' filter traffic, my subjective impression is that the filter 'does no harm' and my SkyView (all Dynon) system was showing good traffic with no discernible negatives. The infrequent and short-term drop-outs could possibly be explained by A/C on the fringes and maneuvering.

For the near-term, without further recommendations from Dynon, the notch filter will stay on the coax for my ADSB-470.
I am a GRT user, but didn't know this was possible. Do you know what output settings on the GRT allow this? I am guessing he has a USB to WiFi adapter.


Larry: Sorry it took so long to get info - this was GRT owner said,
"ADSB IN is from a Skyradar (new name now) dual band receiver; the output is both WIFI and USB to the GRT Sport EFIS via a self powered bridge to speed the ADSB output to GRT levels. [He] can see the traffic on a WingZX or Fore flight page on the IPAD. The ADSB output side is the TRIG 31 using a WAAS GPS input from a military receiver."

No further details on his setup. Hope it helps. I'm continuing to use the FA notch filter on my SV-ADSB-470, and have no further updates from Dynon on -472 status.
Got word...

Got word that production has started again and they will be working on the back log. Hoping to have one soon after the Navworx debacle. Fortunately the wiring and mounting changes only took about an hour. So, when the 472 arrives it should only take 5 minutes and I can get the forward skin on!!
I have the new 472 and software update

I've both a beta version of the new SV-472 ADSB receiver and software (15.3) and have been testing it over the last few days. The results have been very positive, a major improvement over the previous version of the SV-472. Bottom line I'm very happy with the results I've seen so far.
I've both a beta version of the new SV-472 ADSB receiver and software (15.3) and have been testing it over the last few days. The results have been very positive, a major improvement over the previous version of the SV-472. Bottom line I'm very happy with the results I've seen so far.

Hi John

Is the new 472 the same form factor as the previous one?
Hi John

Is the new 472 the same form factor as the previous one?

I don't have any history with the 472, but I do have a beta unit which replaced my Navworx ADS600-B.

I suspect it's the same size. It's much smaller than the Navworx box!

With the filtering added, mine has been working perfectly.
Hi John

Is the new 472 the same form factor as the previous one?


The 472 that I now have is the same form factor as the original 472. So if that is what you're replacing it will just bolt in and connect the same. If you have the original 470, that is much larger and you will have to make adjustments when installing the new smaller 472.
Instead of making an adapter, I ordered "Skyview ADS-B 472 Bracket", p/n: F-00045C. Cost: $5.00

Mitch Garner
Updated SV-ADSB-472 and SV 15.3.3

I have flown a few test flights with Dynon's updated SV-ADSB-472 and SV 15.3.3, which should be out on Dynon's website soon.

From all indications, they have done an excellent job in solving the past issues, including the "no ADSB" message issue.

The updated SV-ADSB-472 is identical in size / shape as the original.

A user note - with SV 15.3.3, once you update the SV itself, you have go into the SV menu to the "ADSB status" menu and make an update to the ADSB-472 firmware, similar to how the transponder firmware gets updated. This is a new process, which I am sure Dynon will add to their user guides.

Special thanks should be extended to David DeLong at Dynon and their team for working this issue to resolution.
A user note - with SV 15.3.3, once you update the SV itself, you have go into the SV menu to the "ADSB status" menu and make an update to the ADSB-472 firmware, similar to how the transponder firmware gets updated. This is a new process, which I am sure Dynon will add to their user guides.

I have the 470. Will it need to be updated as well via the same procedure?
I Like it!!

I've been flying the new/improved Dynon Transponder this week and I REALLY like it. It displays MUCH more traffic such that I can see the various airport traffic patterns in the Atlanta Class B airspace. This AM I was seeing 14-20 targets at various times.

Really great performance in my opinion.

Issue updating firmware

"A user note - with SV 15.3.3, once you update the SV itself, you have go into the SV menu to the "ADSB status" menu and make an update to the ADSB-472 firmware, similar to how the transponder firmware gets updated."

I had one of the early 472s and when I attempted this firmware update I got an error message and ended up on a screen asking if I wanted to force the update or exit. It was business hours and I wasn't sure what to do so I called Dynon tech support. He hadn't seen this before and had me exit and reboot my system. Afterwards, my ads-b could no longer be found even though the serial port showed a 472 was present. I had to return my 472 to Dynon and they promptly sent me a replacement which appears to work well. If you get to this screen I suggest you try to force the firmware update since the 'exit and reboot' killed my unit.
Long wait?

I've been flying the new/improved Dynon Transponder this week and I REALLY like it. It displays MUCH more traffic such that I can see the various airport traffic patterns in the Atlanta Class B airspace. This AM I was seeing 14-20 targets at various times.

Really great performance in my opinion.

So ... how long did you wait to get it? New or upgrade? Just trying to get a feel for how much longer before I see movement on my -470 to -472 upgrade request. Knew it would be awhile as the delays continued, but we're months and months past any original projections. THANKS

My question exactly - the original question I asked...

Dynon has stepped in a couple times during the meandering discussion, but never answered the question of WHEN.

Its coming up on a year and still no indication of WHEN the new units will become available.

So, I guess, since my current unit is working fine (I wish I could program the sucker to "ignore" my own aircraft as traffic) I will forget about replacing it with the upgrade and continue flying until this one dies.

Okay, I'm out off my soapbox - NEXT!
They have been shipping for weeks now. I believe the newest version of the software for the Skyview has a firmware update for the ADSB-472 unit, but I?m not sure what units it applies to.
They have been shipping for weeks now. I believe the newest version of the software for the Skyview has a firmware update for the ADSB-472 unit, but I?m not sure what units it applies to.

I received my production version to replace the beta unit this past week. It just depends on where you name falls on the replacement list. I don?t know how many units are each production run.
I sent in my request for their trade in back over a year ago (April 2017). Hoping it shows up soon for my next condition inspection in May.
I've installed a couple of them now. As others have written, the 472 is amazing, even better than my late, lamented NavWorx EXP. Especially so considering that they worked with uAvionix, though as I understand it the latter only supplied hardware. My own uAvionix Echo/GRT Safefly GPS combo is wretched by comparison.
They are shipping...

Sorry for the late res[ponse. Was traveling all day yesterday. I know they are aggressiviely shipping new units and trying to catch up. I had been runing test units for them, so I honestly don't know where they are in the scheme of things.

anyone other than vendors get one yet?

I bought one from Dynon the day they first announced them and still dont have a replacement unit yet. I was told that Dynon is first shipping to all of the vendors that have back orders, then I am next in line so I assume they must still be fullfilling vendor backorders.
Mid-February is when I received my beta unit that ended up being the final production design. It took a little time for several beta testers to show the result was good, call the design final, and ramp up production - but the backlog is unwinding now.
Got a call from Dynon today, they are shipping out my "upgraded" 472 tomorrow. They explained they are shipping out new units in the order that the original 470-472 upgrades were processed.
After calling and leaving a message, I got a call back from DYNON telling me that I should be receiving my replacement unit in about 1 month. :D
I just flew a trip to Baja Mexico with the new module and it worked great. I was in a group of several others and the air to air displayed properly the entire time.
I?m just guessing here, but it appears to me that the reason it is taking so long is that the replacement modules aren?t actually new stock, but are modified originals that they can?t turn around until they are returned. I was called and told that I would be receiving a sticker in the mail with a new serial number to apply to the replacement box.

After calling and leaving a message, I got a call back from DYNON telling me that I should be receiving my replacement unit in about 1 month. :D

I sent in my request to pay to upgrade from ADSB 470 to ADSB 472 on April 2, 2018. Still Waiting to hear back. Planning on calling again tomorrow.
One Year PLUS...

I got a voice message today. Dynon called to tell me they are ready to talk to me about trading up the the 472.

Over a year since my initial inquiry... Must have been one **** of a line in front of me!

Took so long, I have to re-investigate whether the upgrade is worth it. Re-reading this thread, seems to indicate the units shipping now are top-notch. SO, would someone summarize the differences between the 470 and 472?

Much appreciated for any feedback/insights. If I see some positive "traffic" on VAF in the morning, I'll call Dynon and make plans for the swap.

Thanks for those links. I'll be calling Dynon in the morning. Hopefully they still have the trade-in program active.
They called me last month and I recently did the swap for the new unit. I had waited about 18 months.
It works great. The hardest part was getting back there to take out the old unit and move the mounting nutplates around on the bracket for the new unit's smaller size.


Thanks for those links. I'll be calling Dynon in the morning. Hopefully they still have the trade-in program active.

It's very much worth it. And the tradeup is completely plug-and-play with the current 470 wiring, all you have to do is change the nutplate/screw mounting locations as the 472 is quite a bit smaller and lighter.
I too waited for over a year to receive the 472. Installed it a couple months ago and it is working well, so far, plus it now feeds WX and traffic to FF on my iPhone.

Mine is mounted behind the panel. The box is small and light. Luckily, I had left enough extra cabling so no wires had to be modified.
FWIW I also waited for over a year to receive the 472. It's working well and it feeds WX and traffic to FlightPlanGo app on my Android tablet via EXTERNAL DEVICE > CUSTOM > Port 4000.
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Its In the Mail

I called Dynon yesterday morning and got one on order. They said they were putting it in the mail and sending an RMA.
Now its waiting time for the 472 to arrive. I was hoping today since its just a short drive from Oregon to Washington. But surely in time for Christmas and Annual. :)
Using the spec. sheet for the 472 I created a template to layout the location... I am amazed at how small that thing is - according to the drawings. Wish a lot of other avionics would be that small, sure save a lot of space, and weight, on the sub-panel/Panel.