
Well Known Member
Dynon has released version 5.1 of software for all current products.

Major updates:

GPS assist, which backs up the pitot with GPS data in case of pitot failure.

GPS Steering for the autopilot when connected to a compatible GPS via ARINC-429

NAV and Localizer following for the autopilot.

Full release notes and software can be found here: http://downloads.dynonavionics.com
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Great! The airspeed assist is a great idea.

One question though:

> Note: It is no longer recommended that Keep Alive be connected EFIS and EMS products.

Can you elaborate on this? Is it because it will get the time from the GPS once it has a GPS feed? I'm happy to pull the fuse from my battery bus, but I thought I'd check first. I have a D10A (with GPS data from a 430).

Are you trying to get rid of the drain on the main battery while the plane is parked or is there something else going on?
We've just had a series of small issues with keep alive over the years. Some dealing with power drain, some with update issues, some with battery charging, etc. It just hasn't been as stable as we wish, and now that GPS can set the time, it really doesn't have much of a reason to be there. If you aren't having problems with it, probably no need to pull the fuse, but for a new install, we'd suggest not taking the time to run it. We've actually been suggesting not using it for about a year now.

If you have a 430 but not an HS34, you will not get time. The 430 does not output time on the serial line.
5.1 no keep alive and blue screen re D10A

Anyone gotten the blinking blue screen and if so how resolved? Main airplane battery voltage is now charged to 12.6V, internal backup battery V unknown. Also, do we know if internal backup battery can be drained by other loads common to same (in my case avionics) bus that D10A primary comes from? Thanks.
If you get the blinking blue screen, the only thing you can really try is to pull the internal battery connection to remove all power from the unit, and then power it back up. This fixes it in most cases, but if it doesn't, then something went wrong in the update and we'll need to see it here. Chances are good the full reboot will fix it.

There is no way for something external from the EFIS to discharge the internal battery.
flashing blue Dynon screen

D10A removed. Internal battery at 15.9 VDC. Tried to power unit up on internal battery only, same blinking screen. Ditto with attempted power up on primary power only, with backup battery disconnected. 5.1 firmware.

Folks, this really is a day VFR only primary instrument. I really would also keep/have an independent system with all equip required under FAR 91.205, for the type flying most people do in RVs. We're aren't day flying ultralights here at a couple of hundred feet AGL.
Folks, this really is a day VFR only primary instrument.

Link, how did you make that conclusion? While I have yet to fly IFR or at night in my -8 with my Dynon system which includes an EFIS D100, EMS D120, AP, AP74, HS34, and remote compass, I probably will once I have more experience with the system. So far I have about 15 hours in this airplane, and the Dynon stuff has performed flawlessly, although I am still tuning my AP. But the system has been rock solid for me and so far I am very happy with it. I have updated the devices twice, to 5.0 and now to 5.1 and have had zero issues.
Sounds like you need to send that unit in. Not sure what happened, but we should be able to figure it out when it gets here. Was it an upgrade that caused this to happen?

Give us a call or email us at support @ dynonavionics.com and we'll get you an RMA number so you can return it.

Sorry if this left a bad taste in your mouth, but a failure on the ground while doing a software update really doesn't say anything about their in flight reliability or performance. Once you get up and flying I'm sure you'll see why thousands of customers trust the Dynon EFIS.
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re the manual

From the D-10A Pilot's User Guide:

Dynon Avionics makes no claim as to the suitability of its products in connection with FAR 91.205.

Also from the same Guide:

This model fits into any 3-1/8? standard panel hole making it ideal for replacing the attitude indicator in a traditional six pack configuration

I would still have a secondary system that provides the functions of the other 5 gauges of a traditional six pack, whether that's round gauges, or a totally independent second EFIS.

It is not my intent to bash Dynon or any other EFIS supplier, but sometimes these critical failure mode considerations seem to get lost somewhere along the way.
From the D-10A Pilot's User Guide:

Dynon Avionics makes no claim as to the suitability of its products in connection with FAR 91.205.
I can't say as I blame Dynon for including this line in their manual.

Should someone with a very high earnings potential go flying IFR with the Dynon EFIS and have a fatal crash unrelated to the Dynon unit(s), the attorneys would have a field day making Dynon pay the survivors.

I for one think it was very smart of Dynon to include this line. After 230+ hours behind the D100, I would have no issues flying IFR with the unit.

In addition, I know of one local pilot who installed a D10A as a backup to his dual Chelton setup and was hit by lightening while in a nasty bit of clouds. It turns out the only instrument that wasn't fried and continued to work was his Dynon D10A.
Bill, both Chelton and Dynon got fried, and the only thing that worked was Trutrak autopilot ;)
Can we have more information about the lightning effect you refer to?

Not much to tell. He was IFR with dual Cheltons and a D10A for his backup in his RV-8. When I last spoke to him, probably two years ago and six months after the lightening strike the Cheltons were still not right and he was negotiating with them to get them fixed. At that time he was flying off of his D10A.

BTW, I think he incurred some electrical system issues as well.

Radomir has a much better memory than I, so maybe he can add some more details or contact the gentleman directly.