Very nice, wish I had known about that little gem about a month ago, at this point it would cost me more time to use the hub (re-doing wiring) than it would save me.
One of the first..

3.3 is now installed on the screens, tomorrow (it is 11:15PM here) I will connect the audio output to hear the "Dynon voice":D.

Thanks Dynon
Credit where credit is due: We knew about Vern's design when we worked on our own, and while we tried out a bunch of different designs when making ours, we kept coming back to his. Thanks for giving us a great place to start and end!

The hub works fine when you use our cables. It is true that it isn't designed for any random, arbitrary cable that someone may make.

--Ian Jordan
Dynon Avionics
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Credit where credit is due: We knew about Vern's design when we worked on our own, and while we tried out a bunch of different designs when making ours, we kept coming back to his. Thanks for giving us a great place to start and end!

The hub works fine when you use our cables. It is true that it isn't designed for any random, arbitrary cable that someone may make.

--Ian Jordan
Dynon Avionics

The 25 pin hub I designed is really good for hooking two Skyviews together, especially the RS-232, audio and any other signal that needs to connect between screens and elsewhere.


Two pins are used for power busing (not SV power) so that smart modules can plug into any of the connector positions and obtain power from the hub. This would look really good in a fancy box with the Dynon brand on it.
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Way to go, Vern! Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and all that. Dynon using your design means you had a good one.

Question for Dynon Support - I for one am very interested in hearing the Dynon "voice". Any chance of putting some audio samples up on your site or posting a couple files for us to hear?
Does the skyview have a volume control or will this have to be set at the audio panel level? I wonder if it will be possible to use custom sound clips for the various alerts?

Would "you are correct" be possible in a female voice? I haven't heard it in 12 years of marriage!:eek:

hahaha :D
Yes and no. It's in the manual. Full volume control in skyview setup and no sound clips for now.

Does the skyview have a volume control or will this have to be set at the audio panel level? I wonder if it will be possible to use custom sound clips for the various alerts?
hahaha :D

Good timing! I hope to rip into my plane this weekend!

Ian, if I wait another year, will you have separated the AoA, Pitot, and Static ports into individual components so I can mount the AoA and Pitot out in the wing or behind the panel and just run wires back to the SV?
50 Ohm vs 500 Ohm

The dynon audio output is 50 Ohm (page 4-16), and the PMA 5000EX takes 500 Ohm input impedance. Can I connect these together without issues or is an audio transformer needed to step it up to 500 Ohm impedance?
You don't need to match impedance in audio like you do in RF. You can hook us straight to the PMA.