Darren Kerns

Well Known Member
I wanting to install the Dynon 180 in my RV7. I think this is what it is called. It is the efis/engine combo. Can anybody tell me anything about it?

Darren Kerns
RV7 N599DT Reserved
Dynon's website

Will tell you all you need to know.

I have a D100 and an EMS 10 and they are superb units and have had heard nothing bad about the D180.

Dynon 180

I have the 180 and like it. It wasn't hard to install and wire up. It has worked well without problems. You can see most of the engine info in the EFIS-EMS combo screen, but you have to page to a separate EMS screen to see some of the more detailed stuff. It's amazing the information I have now compared to what I had in a Citabria.

I used the AeroElectric Z-diagram for my electrical system. The D180, along with the transponder, powers up as soon as I turn on the Master. I might put in an "avionics" master switch one of these days so that doesn't happen.

I have one and I'm satisfied with it.

If you go with the unit, definately get it with the bright screen option. I didn't at first as it wasn't offered when I got mine. Had to send it out later for the upgrade. Makes it better to see the instrument with RV canopies.

Dynon D180

We installed a FlightDEK D180 in our RV8. It is great. We installed the Dynon pitot tube, a Garmin 430W and a TruTrak autopilot. As part of the Dynon we installed the HS34 expansion module. The Dynon will provide course guidance to include an HSI screen. My co-owner has flown an ILS approach using the HSI screen of the Dynon.

If you select this one, I think you will be pleased.
Thanks Guys

Thanks for all of the information. I plan on installing a Garmin stack with the small Dynon and Garmin 396 in an AirGizmo on the right side. My wife wants this and I do not blame her. She always wanted to know where we were. It was hard to do in the back of the RV8. Servos TT are are already in the tail and wing. I am going to make it a sweet IFR bird. I have been wanting to go back and do some IFR training in it when it is all done. However, I have to save some money for all this.

Thanks again to all that replied. This makes feel better about going with Dynon.

Darren Kerns
RV7 N599DT Reserved
...I used the AeroElectric Z-diagram for my electrical system. The D180, along with the transponder, powers up as soon as I turn on the Master. I might put in an "avionics" master switch one of these days so that doesn't happen.
I wouldn't change it. Dynon approves it to be wired with the master and this way your engine gauges are up and running when your engine starts.

Like Frank I have the D100 EFIS and the D10 EMS. I put the D10 EMS on the right side, right in front of the passenger/pilot. For navigation I have a 496 at the top of the radio stack, mounted in an AirGizmo. (There are pictures on my web page.)

No need to put it anywhere else as it is easily readable by both the pilot and passenger.

With this setup, the passenger can flip the EMS to to display the EFIS screen and fly the plane. I can, and do, bring up the EMS data on 1/3 of the EFIS screen so I have the engine info on my side. Since I'm VFR only, I rarely use the HSI screen. Besides, the CDI and glide slope can be displayed right on the attitude indicator screen.
D180, I think?

I have the D180 and D100 in my -9A. Best thing since sliced bread and everything memtioned before is true. Now, to muddie the waters, Dynon is coming out with a new system next year. It is supposed to bigger, better, and with many more buzzers and bells. If you can wait, the new models might be worth it, if you can't you will be buying at the top of the market for the D180. Once the new stuff hits the streets, the previous models will start showing up on the secondary market at reduced prices. Just one dude's opinion, Dan.
And Dynon will have an upgrade path allegedly.

Having said that, the new stuff looks lovely but I prefer the D100/D180 system myself.
