
Well Known Member
Updated my Dynon Skyview Classic to 15.4.7 firmware this weekend - a few observations

1. Loading 15.4.7 firmware took about 5 minutes to load, but my GPS 2020 showed it needed an additional update to....that took about 15 minutes longer. Be patient.

2. My EGT inidcations seem to be hyper sensentive to any changes in mixture or turning on the smoke system. Before 15.4.7 firmware, turning on my smoke system did nothing to my EGT, now it shows a near instant cooling affect / decrease by about 600 deg on the two cyclinders I have injectors. Using the LOP function, the EGTs seem to jump around quite a bit at Peak / LOP than before the 15.4.7 firmware. Not sure if the sensor updates have anything to do with this or it just my system.

3. While flying through the traffic rich DFW class B, traffic now seems to be less prone to ghosting / drop out, as compared to my Garmin ADSB in. This might be due to my GPS 2020 needing an update.

4. My Skyview WiFi now links up great with my foreflight for ADSB in traffic and weather....got a great exercise with it yesterday. It used to be problematic.

5. The 15.4.7 firmware added 0.0000865 kts to my cruise speed.
Regarding your EGT observations, I corroborate your observations with my own identical readings (including smoke). Must be a sensor sample rate change, although the Dynon tech folks told me nothing changed with the EMS functions.
one more change?

A change noted, not listed

#6 - (FF) Now see Ground Aircraft movement (TIS-B) ... already had the airborne targets but now see brown/tan ground targets.

Had a Beta which showed the TIS/FIS on ForeFlight but the ground aircraft my home field (FFZ) weren't shown. With a very active flight training presence that is useful. We have a very close 'ground station'. My installation includes Dynon ADSB-in (dual freq -472) and -out (261 Xpndr).

Only had a quick taxi test after installing v15.4.7.xx so can't comment on EGT sensors.
minor detail ...

I also saw you can show VNE now as either TAS or IAS.

"Added: SkyView can now express Vne as TAS & IAS."

It's "and" not "or" ... the EFIS/PFD is configured to display BOTH Vne values. Some setup required to assign the values.
This is covered in the Pilot's User Guide, Page 4-4, and Figure 15, which displays both formats.
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Dynon 15.4.7 effect on final approach

Dynon 15.4.7 has changed the behavior on my final approach course when coupled to the Dynon autopilot. Now I have greater need for power significant power changes to maintain airspeed and end up with a 3/4 scale deviation on glide slope as I approach the DA. Anyone else seeing any effects?
WiFi difference

My Dynon SkyView used to connect to my iPad's Foreflight almost immediately...now, with this update, it took a while for the WiFi icon to appear...so long that I was scrolling and surfing for it somewhere else...but after a minute or so, the "upload to panel" icon showed up.
I hope this was a one-time event.
Update completed today (HDX800's and 1100) and the following observations in response to previous posts;

1. EGT values were not any different to the last 1600 hours, so not sure what others are doing. But look closer to your installation.

2. No GPS differences but I do have a 250 unit and a new one not affected by the rollover. I saw nothing new in the ADSB-In but we upside down folk do not have the TIS-B you northerners get ;)

3. Rick's autopilot in VNAV has NOTHING to do with the update. I have been working with him to solve an anomaly, and we found a mechanical issue which he is correcting. He will no doubt discover good results next week.

As for AP performance, all good.

My TAS did go from 164 to 164....... :cool:

So far no undocumented design features found. Will do some Skyview Classics tomorrow.
My unit was an older one that was affected. The update fixed the massive crosswind readings and the off center approaches.

I flew one approach yesterday just to check things out. I was climbing to 3k for the approach when atc cleared me to 2400. I was passing 2400 at the time so I just spun the knob back to that. I was in heading ?> gpss waiting for the intercept. I dialed in 1700 as the step down for intercept but did not give it a vs. until the needle came off the stop. I began a decent down to 1700 to intercept the gs. The plane kept descending down to 1580 before I caught it and brought it back to 1700. This was all before the gs was intercepted. About 4 miles before faf. Once back at 1700 I activated the ap again and armed vnav. Everything worked out fine after that, but I have never had it blow through an altitude like that.
When I upgraded to 15.3.5 last fall, my percent hp quit working. Upgraded to 15.4.7 last week and it?s now working again.