
Well Known Member
I'm planning on doing my own OH (ok, assy, really, the parts go out to places we know and love like Crankcase Services, Ney, etc., for yellow tags) and was hoping to find someone who, for a what I'm sure would be a sizable fee, would use established AC engine dyno/run-in facilities to (duh) dyno and run in my OH engine. Anybody have any ideas? I haven't contacted anyone yet.

Rick 90432 wings

Contact BPA, Inc. Engines in Tulsa, OK They have one of the best dyno's around.
[email protected]
918-835-1089 contact: Allen Barrett

I know this is not in your location but they can dyno it.

Ditto on Barrett. I delivered an engine to them for a friend in the mid 90's for overhaul. I was impressed with their shop then and I immagine that it's much better now. Great bunch of people.