
Well Known Member
Rough River State Park, KY had a Fly-in Saturday and I did a Dynamic Prop Balancing Demo. Mike Norton had contacted me earlier and wanted his RV6 done so we agreed to meet at the Rough River Fly-in and do it there. The Vine Grove, KY EAA chapter organized the Fly-in and wanted us to do the prop balance as a demo so everyone could see what it was all about and how it worked. On the initial run up we found that Mike's plane had a 0.42 ips vibration reading. I made the first weight correction and got it down to 0.33 ips. After the second weight correction, I got it down to 0.04 ips, and we were done! While we were doing the run ups we had two people holding the tail. After each weight correction they both said that they could tell that there was less vibration each time as did Mike while sitting in the plane. There were a lot of pilots from Vine Grove there and they ask me if I would schedule a date to come to their airport and do some more planes. We will be having a prop balancing day at their airport some time soon. The weekend before I flew to Lewisburg, TN and did Bill Kyzer's RV9A went from 0.57 ips to 0.08 ips and Mike Kellems RV3 went from 0.57 ips to 0.03 ips. Anyone within an hour's flight from KHVC - Hopkinsville Christian County Airport who's interested in getting their plane done can contact me to schedule an appointment. My Prop Balancing Web site is:


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May I suggest a longer cord so you can stand out of the prop blast?

How do you like the Dynavibe?
The cord is actually plenty long.. I usually stand just clear of the wingtip... Don't want it to mess up my 'do.. :)
Prop Blast

Yes, the cord is a lot longer. The prop blast does bother me. I'd just rather be there watching the pilot.
Prop Balance

Bobby did a great job on my RV. It is sooooo much smoother now. Even at the lower RPM's there is a big difference. The run up is so smooth now. The best analogy I can think of is like getting new tires for the car. Even though it did not seem real rough before, afterward it is so smooth. I think I even gained 30-40 rpm on top end.

I couldn't be happier.