
Well Known Member
Looking to buy dynamic prop balancer.

Seeking advice from experience with different balancers - which brand, success, etc,?

Barney, in Memphis
RV-3 & 4 flying
Prop Balancers

You have to decide your budget and mission..

There are high end "professional" balancers and then there are the "hobby" balancers. The profesional balancers offer increased capabilities, are built for rugged use with better components, offer software for storing and printing balance results, vibrations surveys etc. and get calibrated every year, they also cost 4 to 5 times the hobby units.

The hobby balancers are great if you just want to do your own prop balance and maybe your friends. These balancers have less resolution than the Pro units and are not as user friendly as the Pro units. They will do the job but generally are less accurate and it will take you longer (more runs) to get the balance "dialed" in. No ability store or printout the results from these units.

Here is an example of the downloads from my DSS Microvib II unit:


When I get done with a balance I am able to supply the customer with print outs for Prop balance, vibration survey and a log book sticker.

Dynamic Balancers are available from:

Dynamic Solution Sytems
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I am located at KCPK in Chesapeake, VA. How far away are you?

I am interested in having my prop balanced.