
Well Known Member
I?m getting ready to order my first RV14 kit and would like to find out if there areDVD?s or books that may assist in my build.
Not sure about books but lots of good blogs from builders. I took Synergy Air's class which I found very helpful.
I just got my emp yesterday, and have been trying to educate myself for the past year or so.

I purchased a couple of dvd?s.. the eaa one wasn?t that great, but the home built help one was very good (rudder workshop), as was the Les Bourne one.

By far the best though was the Rv14 plans wiki that is going around on the forums here. Very ver my good. Links to EVERYTHING to do with the -14. Really good for pre-reading.
Lots of "how to" videos on the EAA website. Short, detailed, and very helpful. A quick search should bring them up for you.
Don?t overlook the value of Section 5 in the plans. I read this section twice before starting, and then forgot 75% of what I read because I didn?t need it for a while or didn?t realize the value imbedded. I was constantly finding things (tricks and tips) in Section 5 after the fact that I could have found there much easier rather than searching on VAF or google.
Don?t overlook the value of Section 5 in the plans. I read this section twice before starting, and then forgot 75% of what I read because I didn?t need it for a while or didn?t realize the value imbedded. I was constantly finding things (tricks and tips) in Section 5 after the fact that I could have found there much easier rather than searching on VAF or google.


When I started my build I did the same thing. This is my first airplane build so I started the learning curve almost at the bottom. The everyday operations of building are for the most part contained in Section 5.

I'd also suggest you read as many other builders blogs as you can. Some are rich in detail and can help you through a difficult part of your build. I really appreciated reading blogs that went past the mandated listing of completed operations and talked about the challenges encountered and the thought process of how to solve them.

However, take everything you read with a grain of salt. Most of us are not professional mechanics who do this day in and day out. I've seen some horrible advice (example: "Hey guys! You know how when you mark a part with a Sharpie, but it comes off when you wipe it with solvent? Just get an engraving pen and etch the part number on the part!") and some very good advice. Learning to tell the difference is something you acquire only with experience.

Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement. Enjoy the journey!
Don't forget You Tube. Heaps of videos on various techniques.

The more you get into the build the more you will realise just how good the plans and the kit are. If something does not cleco together nicely, 99% of the time it's because you have done something wrong.

You've probably heard it before but try not to skip ahead. Almost all of my mistakes were because of that.

When I was building my 14 I was just behind the first builders so I got to read about most issues and questions just before I got to that section. Almost everything you will need to know has been discussed in this forum.

Good luck.