
Active Member
Hi All,

I am building the Vertical Stabiliser.

The doubler for the rear spar is curved. It could curve in or out from the rear spar before I cleco it into place.

Which way is correct? Does it make a difference?

The plans and diagrams don't seem to give me any clues.

I would be grateful for any advice.


I think it is curved as a result of the cutting operation. Either way would be fine, but it is a good practice with sheet metal, NOT to bend things into place and rivet. It is not always possible, but in this case easy to gently shape the doubler back to flat. You will add a little radius to the edges in the deburring process and that is good as we don't want a sharp edge contacting stressed parts or on stressed parts. Once you match drill it will not be reversible.

Happy Building!
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Section 5 of the manual

There are notes in section 5 of the manual that gives a method for straightening out bent parts like this. You?ll probably find the same issue with the HS spar doublers. Though as the other reply said, don?t bent the parts to fit, ideally you can shape it so the parts will go together without force.
Thanks for the replies, gents.

The doubler appeared to be in an intentional curve. The HS spar doublers were both straight.

I will aim to straighten it before any cleo-ing or drilling occurs.

Thanks again for taking the time.


Curved parts

Be careful trying to straighten curved parts. I have a couple flap spars living a new life as a plans rack. Just a little more and whomp. Scrap. :D