
I hate making choices! I want tooo much. I am learning the 14 is a great aircraft in many ways. I can see making regular 500 mile trips to see my kids and inlaws:)(). But I also have a home on a lake 100 miles north and want a float plane. So here is the question. Would the thought of a 14 on floats be dumb? I am sure I would give up 25 MPH in cruise. 2 mission specific planes would be tooo expensive. Truth is the trip to the lake would happen much more often so I think I will do the math on flight time for a traditional floatplane VS. a 14.
Any thoughts?
It can and has been done with RV-7, but typically a low wing does not make a very practical float plane.

Think about how you would get out and guide the aircraft to a dock.
what lake do you want to fly to? there may be some grass strip options close by.
Glasair Sportsman?

There's a Glasair Sportsman parked in a hanger near me. It's a high wing and has floats and conventional gear. Don't know if it's true, but supposedly you can swap out in an hour and the x-country performance is similar to the RV's. They advertise an airframe kit price in the $50K range. John
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"There's a Glasair Sportsman parked in a hanger near me. It's a high wing and has floats and conventional gear. Don't know if it's true, but supposedly you can swap out in an hour and the x-country performance is similar to the RV's. They advertise an airframe kit price in the $50K range. John"

56K for the airframe alone, and there's a LOT of fiberglass.

Sounds like it would indeed fit the mission well.

I can't afford one :(