
Well Known Member
I have a feeling I'm going through a period of questioning everything after last week's bad luck. Last night I'm screwing in the Duckworks mounts with my AeroSun 1600s. And maybe it's just me (hopefully), but it seems like the lights sit awfully far back into the wing. Wouldn't that diffuse the light? Or, since I only prime the mating surfaces, am I actually sort of helping myself by having the inside front nose of the leading edge skin act as a double-reflector? :D Yeah, that's it. I planned on that! :eek:


Yep, sits quite a ways back ...

When I installed mine, I flipped the Duckworks crossrib 180 degrees. That moved the mounting surface for the Aerosun fwd 1.5 to 2". It also helps to use the Aerosun mounting bracket .... that too moves the light fwd on the wing opening.
Terry, I am using the AeroSun mount. The two pics I included just don't show it at their angles. :/ Sorry about that.

You know, I was actually considering that last night, flipping the Duckworks mount "backwards". Just wasn't sure if that was wrong, if anyone else had done that, or I am just going out of my mind. Then again, if it's structurally stable and is still behind the plexiglass, who cares? :)
If you flip it around how you ever going to get in there to put in the screws or to adjust the backplate?
For sake of argument, by reaching up through the larger lightening hole behind the Duckworks mount in the rib, and/or repositioning using the hex screws holding the light to the AeroSun mount. No better or worse than sticking your hand down inside through the leading edge hole itself, at least for me.
Any issues with heat having the LED's too close to the plexiglass?

I have the Ztron LED lights ready to install and I was going to see if flipping the mount would work better than the stock position.
You know, I was actually considering that last night, flipping the Duckworks mount "backwards". Just wasn't sure if that was wrong, if anyone else had done that, or I am just going out of my mind. Then again, if it's structurally stable and is still behind the plexiglass, who cares? :)

Zackly! Necessary access is still made thru the lightening holes; no different than when it's installed the other way.
There is no issue with heat. First, the LEDS produce very little heat, and second you still have plenty of clearance behind the lens. I've been flying mine in the "Duckworks reversed" position for >80 hrs with no problems.
Nah Daniel, same AeroSun mount. Just different light unit itself. And it looks to be sitting back the same amount as the rest of us.

Okay, well, at least I wasn't going crazy. Looks like I just perceived it as sitting back in the wing fairly far. I blame the high humidity and the sweat stinging my eyes. :eek:
Flipped mine too

I have Aeroleds Sunspots mounted with the frames flipped. Checked with Duckworks and Aeroleds folks and neither saw a problem with this install or heat buildup.
Any issues with heat having the LED's too close to the plexiglass?

I have the Ztron LED lights ready to install and I was going to see if flipping the mount would work better than the stock position.

I'm guessing no problem. I have the newer, 12 element AeroSun in the RV-12, and there is no adjustability in the mount to vary the installation depth. In this model, it's mounted very shallow.

I beg my pardon

Allow me to contradict myself. Fact is, there is minimal provision for adjusting depth, about 1/2" total.
