
Well Known Member
Does anyone have a good listing on what's required for the Amateur Built Certification? I know EAA has a kit, but I don't need all of the items in that kit. Also looking for a good Flight Test Syllabus for 1st 40 hours if anyone has that. Hoping for first flight in April! May as well get all that organized now.
Call Eugene Borne

Stoney, I got a lot of help from DAR Eugene P Borne in Reserve, LA. He can do your inspection and will tell you what you need. John
Stoney, I got a lot of help from DAR Eugene P Borne in Reserve, LA. He can do your inspection and will tell you what you need. John

Yes, been talking to Bever, just wanted to get everything organized for him. Thanks for the heads up there.
I'm also interested in the test plan. I purchased a flying RV so I didn't do the testing, but I am interested in doing most or all of it some 400hrs later for my own education.
