
Well Known Member
I've read what I can find, but I'm still a little confused on how Dynon and AFS differ in how they handle a dual screen setup. My understanding is that Dynon essentially allows for all data to be shared between screens, so if one screen dies, the other has 100% of the data inputs and functionality available. I'm a little less clear on how AFS works. It seems it uses some of the Skyview network, but not for everything. So does that mean some functions are shared between the screens (like basic ADAHRS info), but not all info? What is the practical implication when one screen dies and how do you plan around this in terms of splitting out what each panel receives?
The short answer is SkyView and AFS screens work together in a similar fashions.


The Dynon HDX EFIS and AF-6600 EFIS screens both have 5 serial ports and the Dynon SV-Network. Most of the Dynon devices are connected using the SV-Network (EFIS, SV-ADAHRS, SV-EMS, SV-ARINC, SV-Remote-MAG, SV-Knob-module, SV-COM-Panel, SV-Servo's, SV-AP-Panel). The SV-Network is wired to all the EFIS screens in the aircraft so each EFIS screen should have direct access to all the devices.

The Dynon HDX EFIS screens are required to have all 5 RS-232 serial ports connected between the EFIS screens. In theory if one of the HDX EFIS screens were to fail the other HDX EFIS should have access and control of all the devices connected to the 5 RS-232 serial ports. The disadvantage is that you can only have a total of 5 devices that need a RS-232 serial port. With an AFS EFIS the serial ports are not connected together, with a two AFS EFIS install you have 10 serial ports, with a three EFIS install you have 15 serial ports.

Lets look at my RV-10's RS-232 serial port usage to get an idea of what uses a serial port:

2. Dynon GPS-250
3. Dynon Transponder
4. Remote Audio Panel
5. Dynon ADSB-472 Receiver
6. Garmin G5 EFIS (used as backup AHRS for AF-6600 EFIS)
7. ELT GPS position data
8. Fuel data to Avidyne IFD-550
9. Com Radio Tuning of Com1 (IFD-550)
10. Com Radio Tuning of Com2 (GTN-650xi)
11. CO Detector

If you were to lose all RS-232 serial ports you still have: EFIS with (Airspeed, Altitude, Attitude, Engine Instruments, moving map), COM 1 Radio (tune on the IFD), RNAV approach data, ILS approach data.