
Well Known Member
I have a DUAL GPS receiver Dual XGPS150A GPS
What use is this?

My Mini I pad has a built in GPS.
Sports list this as an I Pad add on.?
I have limited putter skills,,, no idea how to post a picture here, so the use is probably obvious , But not to me.... help? Ideas?

Some tablets, including Wi-Fi-only ipads do not have GPS chips. I use the dual GPS with my iPad mini when I fly.


Wondering what to use this for? Since my I pad has built in GPS?
Dual Model xgps150A
From the description on Sporty's page:

Do I Need an External iPad GPS?
The 3G model of the iPad, in addition to its built-in cellular antenna, also includes an internal GPS. The GPS is completely separate from the 3G data service, so you don?t even have to have an active data plan for the GPS to work. You could buy the 3G model purely for the GPS and never activate the data plan, saving yourself some money. But the on-board iPad GPS was made for ground use, and it?s not very reliable in the air. It has a tendency to drop offline, especially when switching between apps. For this reason, most iPad pilots?even those with a 3G iPad?opt for an external GPS. They are extremely accurate (WAAS-enabled) and very reliable. They also offer free apps that allow you to monitor the GPS?s performance.

"...we recommend using an external GPS with the iPad if you want reliable GPS data."
Thanks Chris

Chris, Thank you ,, that clears it up for me. I have noticed the GPS dropping off in flight. My I pad is as you described. 3g and no cell subscriptions
I will start bringing this Dual in the airplane

Thanks again