
I had a vacuum system failure last year and opted to replace my AI and DG with a pair of Garmin G5 units. They have been working well.

I am planning for my ADS-B upgrade and had a couple of questions. I have a Garmin 400W that I will be installing in the airplane

1. In a dual-G5 system, if the G5s are linked via CAN bus and I install an external antenna on one G5 unit - will that G5 unit be able to share its position information with the other unit via the CAN?

2. When I wire the 400W to the G5s I will do so through the GAD29 so that I have glideslope information. I also plan to wire the 400W MapMX to both G5s. Is it possible to output serial altitude information from one of the G5s to drive an ADS-B transponder (Trig/KT74)? The transponder documentation indicates that 9600 baud is the _normal_ data rate for that input, but other data rates are supported.

Thank you for the assistance,
I don?t know the answers to your questions, but:
When you install the 400W don?t forget to connect one more wire to an RS232 output. This port will later be configured ?ADSB+?. The wire will go directly to the TT22. This is needed for adsb-out.