
Well Known Member
Breaking news: I gets frickin hot in Houston, and thus I want to improve ventilation if possible. Is it worth the effort to install a second NACA scoop in the right forward side skin? I know I could plumb two vents from the single scoop, but I presume I'd get better airflow with two scoops.

Main con I can think of offhand is a general increase in complexity, particularly when it come to plumbing cabin heat. Though I guess I could just use one vent for heat, I dunno. I haven't put much serious thought into this to be honest.

On a similar note, would it be worthwhile/feasible to add a second underwing scoop for the back seat?
My RV-8 has dual scoops/vents for the pilot. Built as you describe. It's still warm during ground opps and for the first 1500' of climb. Our summers are 80's and very humid.

It's probably better than having just a single but it's not a full solution. It also will make some of your "behind the panel" work more crowded. Keep the duct routes as high as possible so you don't hit them with your legs.
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TEXAS heat!

Yep, I hear you and understand your quest. The southern TEXAS gulf cost is like a steam bath in summer and most people want as much air as they can get out of their vents that time of year. While working the air shows and talking to many from there I saw two or three RV's with little side kick vents that mount into the skins on both sides of the cabin. We did not install them, but I hear they are nice to have for extra air flow inside. I don't remember for sure, but it may have been Danny King that first made them and I think he is still in that part of the country. You may wish to look for those as I have heard good reports from those I have talked to about them.
Hope this helps. Yours as always, R.E.A. III # 80888
...Main con I can think of offhand is a general increase in complexity, particularly when it come to plumbing cabin heat. Though I guess I could just use one vent for heat, I dunno. I haven't put much serious thought into this to be honest...

Cabin heat for the -8 is on the firewall and serves only to cook your left foot (Which is why I removed it and went with electric vests). Heater and vent are completely separate systems.
Dual Vents

I have two vents for each seat in my 8. I just did a mirror image of the plans for the location of the opposite side NACA vent locations. My front seat outlets are at the just below and at the outboard edges of the instrument panel. The right front vent duct goes thru the forward baggage deep well, but has not really been an inconvenience. The rear seat outlets are on each side at the base of the rear stick. There seems to be plenty of airflow. I am based in north Texas so I deal with similar heat as you, just not quite as much humidity.
On a similar note, would it be worthwhile/feasible to add a second underwing scoop for the back seat?

Not on the opposite wing, unless you like breathing exhaust!

My buddy has an mirror vent on the fuselage for the pilot. Does intrude into the baggage well, which is only an issue if you want a smoke tank there.
Not on the opposite wing, unless you like breathing exhaust!

My buddy has an mirror vent on the fuselage for the pilot. Does intrude into the baggage well, which is only an issue if you want a smoke tank there.

Hm, I hadn't considered the baggage well intrusion. I'd be less concerned about it being in the way, and more concerned about there maybe being more potential for damage.

I also hadn't considered that there'd be any issue with adding a vent in the left wing. At first I was confused by the exhaust comment, since I was under the impression that the exhaust exited more-or-less on centerline...but I suppose the critical factor here is the corkscrewing airflow off the prop?
Your not using your heat box in the summer, bypass the heat muffs and run your scat directly from the rear baffle to the heat box. You will be surprised how much extra air (not hot) you will get. No extra holes in the airplane.
Not on the opposite wing, unless you like breathing exhaust!

My passengers nor I have NEVER had any exhaust come in the rear vent from either side. If you mirror the standard location for the NACA inlet it is reasonably far outboard from the centerline. Maybe my Vetterman 4 straight pipe exhaust system is a factor...but I doubt it
I'm in Houston, too. I don't find the standard air vents to be insufficient in my RV-8. Most of my flying is solo and if it is warm, I open the passenger vent too. I also like the idea above of modifying your heat box source for extra air. But don't leave the heat muff on your exhaust pipe without air circulating through it.