
Well Known Member
I am looking for guidance or ideas for a double battery installation on an -10 QB fuselage. CG implications? Brand of batteries? I am planning dual electronic ignition. Where is a good source of information?
Bob Knuckolls aerolectric is a great source for all things electrical.

If your purpose for dual electrical systems is EI, have you considered PMags? They don't require redundant power source because they generate their own power.

Some EFIS come with small back up batteries as well. This might remove the need for a 'fully' redundant electrical and be lighter/simpler.
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Oops!!! :p sorry bout that. Two sheets it is, Hey ya can't give EVERYTHING away!!! :D

Anyhow....Get yourself over to the Aeroelectric page and get going on the "education" part of this wonderful pastime.
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Dual Electric

I have also installed a dual electric setup using Bob N.'s Z-14. Battery tray was modified to accept a pair of Odyssey PC-680s. The associated pair of battery contactors are on a piece of angle attached where the original single contactor was. Adjacent to the contactors and attached to the J-channel are a pair of small fuse blocks to supply a battery buss. Crossfeed contactor (per Z-14) is on firewall, above and to the right of the starter contactor. Fuse holders for alternator B leads are mounted above crossfeed contactor. Here are a few pictures that I have handy.

Bob #40105
Firewall Forward