
Well Known Member
I have a dual Dynon 1000 EFIS setup in my -12. The left one is a SkyView Touch and the right one is a SkyView Classic. The left screen has the RV-12 / Dynon logo. The right screen has only the older Dynon logo. That kind of annoys me and I was wondering if that is normal.

Here is what I think happens.

I just got my left screen back from repair from Dynon (rainbow of death, among other things). As part of the process they update the software before returning it. Everything in my plane had been at 15.3.2. The returned screen was at 16.x. So it was necessary to get everything to the same software rev. Vans has a "blessed" version of Dynon software (version 16.4.0) along with configuration files tested and known to work well with the -12. They also have a nice writeup document explaining the software and configuration loading procedure.

I downloaded everything and followed the procedure for loading software and configurations. The software (SkyView- and sensor file (sensor_68996.sfg) is loaded on both screens. But the upgrade procedure specifically says only load the big master configuration file (12_Rotax_912ULS_SkyView_Settings_v16.4.0_09-16-22.dfg) in the left display. After loading the master config file as well as a few smaller ancillary config files, the configuration is transferred to the right hand display.

The big master config file has a couple of lines that read...


This big master config file never gets loaded directly onto the right hand display and so I am guessing that it never got commanded to check its bios version level or update the splash screen to the RV-12 logo. I noticed on the left hand display the bios was definitely updated as part of the overall update procedure but not on the right hand display.

Anybody else done a software update on a dual Dynon SkyView cockpit? Do you see the RV-12 logo on both displays or only on the left hand display?
I thought that mixing touch and classic was not permitted by Dynon?

I don't know if there is an issue on the RV-12 LSA, but I have one each in my RV-9 (touch and classic) and they work just fine together.
Dynon won't support both HDX and previous SV (touch and classic) together.
I thought that mixing touch and classic was not permitted by Dynon?

I hope I used the terminology correctly. To be clear one display is a SkyView SV-D1000 and the other is an SV-D1000T. I think they are essentially the same thing except one also has a touch interface.

Vans procedure has me load the master config file on the primary (left hand) display but not on the right hand display. So the right hand display doesn't get updated bios or new the RV-12 logo. That seems odd. Wondering what others have done during a SkyView software update.
I hope I used the terminology correctly. To be clear one display is a SkyView SV-D1000 and the other is an SV-D1000T. I think they are essentially the same thing except one also has a touch interface.

Vans procedure has me load the master config file on the primary (left hand) display but not on the right hand display. So the right hand display doesn't get updated bios or new the RV-12 logo. That seems odd. Wondering what others have done during a SkyView software update.

If the screen interface cable (CAT5 I think?) is connected between the port on each screen, the second screen will update automatically after the firsts screen does.
If the screen interface cable (CAT5 I think?) is connected between the port on each screen, the second screen will update automatically after the firsts screen does.

The settings and engine sensor data definitely migrated to the second screen. But the BIOS version check / update and logo update that are commanded in the big config file didn't seem to make it to the second screen.

The Dynon procedure is not near as detailed as the Vans procedure but Dynon does say load all software and settings on the second screen (Update Instructions: "Repeat 2-9 on all of the other Displays in your SkyView network.").

I am inclined to do the full update on the second screen and see what happens but I sure don't want to turn the second display into a brick. Vans specifically says "NOTE: If a second screen is installed, you should perform the .dfg installation steps below from the primary screen only." Is that because Vans thinks it is unnecessary or because some harm will follow. The logo mismatch is an annoyance but the lack of BIOS update on the second screen could be significant.
Not sure which instructions you have, but mine say to load them on both screens. I’ve got HDXs, but the instructions don’t seem to specify what vintage, although for the D180s there are different instructions.

I’ve always needed to updated both devices, even with a CAT 6 cable between them. And for a couple of years, only one of my devices displayed the RV-12iS logo on the splash sceen, but at some point, both started to display it. Can’t explain why.


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Not sure which instructions you have, but mine say to load them on both screens. I’ve got HDXs, but the instructions don’t seem to specify what vintage, although for the D180s there are different instructions.

Read down a little further on the next page. Software and sensor configs get loaded on both. Config files (.dfg) are only to be loaded on the primary display as per Vans. Dynon says (implies really) load them on all screens.


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Sorry, I missed that detail. I stopped loading the Van’s setting file after the first update I made. It’s fine if you’ve made NO changes to your settings or EMS screen. I reloaded my old settings to get my CO monitor widget and other EMS items back. If I recall correctly, it even wiped out my adjusted auto trim and fuel calibration settings.
Over in the Dynon forum one of the Dynon staff suggesting creating a .dfg config file with just...


I did and indeed it did update my BIOS and changed my boot up screen to the RV-12 logo. Now I've got updated BIOS and updated RV-12 logos on both screens.

I think the Vans instructions are slightly wrong. I don't think new logos show up until Step 10 when the big .dfg config file is loaded.

The screens have slightly different logos. The Dynon logo portion is different. That is a bit of a mystery because I loaded the same software on both. But at least now I am confident all the software / firmware components have been updated to the most recent rev.


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