
Active Member
Just nearing completion of Dual HDX installation, and have question about user settings.

If I change for instance the oil pressure values for red, yellow, green, or my airspeed stall values for instance on one HDX, does this automatically get sent to the other monitor? Or must I manually configure EMS and other settings on each screen individually?
The short answer is yes, configuration is shared between displays.

Remember to connect the Ethernet cable that goes between the displays.


Just nearing completion of Dual HDX installation, and have question about user settings.

If I change for instance the oil pressure values for red, yellow, green, or my airspeed stall values for instance on one HDX, does this automatically get sent to the other monitor? Or must I manually configure EMS and other settings on each screen individually?
Great, thanks. Just about to pop the panel in once my transponder gets here. Easier to install that with the panel out. Bench testing right now.
The EMS setting changes will be automatically updated on both HDX screen with or without the ethernet cable.

The ethernet cable will allow a nav data update to shared between screens. Without the cable the nav data will need to be updated on each screen.
The ethernet cable will allow a nav data update to shared between screens. Without the cable the nav data will need to be updated on each screen.

Only on experimental, apparently. The certified installation still require a nav update on each individual screen, even with the ethernet cable installed.