Hi Doug,

After watching your clip on YouTube with your new camera, my 10 yo daughter was upset that the RV9A I was planning wouldn't do aerobatics. So needless to say tonight I placed an order with Vans for a 7A empennage kit. We can't have unhappy children now can we, besides shes going to be my rivet partner, better keep her happy :) and I'm not all that upset about the change. So thanks again for your camera purchase. :D

Thanks Doug ;)

ps. I had to promise on my life that when the bride was in the plane it would be straight and level, under pain of death. :eek:
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Wow, Dave! I think that's a first for me - a model change based on a video clip <g>. I think my wife would never talk to me again if I varied from straight and level with her in the plane. But, I can't remember a solo flight where I didn't do one roll or at least some 'wifferdills' (are those even acro?).

You'll be VERY happy with whatever model you build, I suspect ;) .


Hi Doug,
Was the camera hand held for the video, propped on your shoulder maybe? It really turned out well.

wifferdills (thread morph)

But, I can't remember a solo flight where I didn't do one roll or at least some 'wifferdills'

what exactly is a wifferdill? does a split-s count? anybody got a list of recognized wifferdills? enquiring minds want to know. ;)
It's that thing where you climb and gently fall over at around 70kts - kinda a reaaaaallll lazy hammerhead (about a 45 degree angle instead of a 90).

Always fun!:D

johnp said:
what exactly is a wifferdill? does a split-s count? anybody got a list of recognized wifferdills? enquiring minds want to know. ;)