Steve Brown

Well Known Member
I'd like to get rid of the transducer and drive cable and run my Van's tach directly off of the tach signals from one of my E/P mags. I checked the installation instructions for the tach and there is nothing there about the nature of the required signal.

Anyone done this or know anything about it?
You can not hurt anything if you connect the Tach drive from the p-mag to the tach and try it. The new p-mags have 5 volt or 12 volt pulses coming out of them (I think it is programable somehow). My Vans tach worked off either the Slick or the p-mag (I had a switch to feed either one). I eventually replaced the Vans Tach because it read 200 rpm high and installed an EI tach which I love. I should add that the Vans Tach I had took its input from the Slick p-lead.
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Tried and failed so far.

I've tried this in the past for the same reason - to get rid of the tach drive. I never managed to get it working. I changed the parameters (# pulses per rev, voltage of pulse) to encompass all combinations but could not get the vans tach drive to read correctly - if I recall, it was (at most) reading around 70% or so of what I know to have been the real tach RPM.

Here's a semi-recent thread where I was fishing for that information without any luck:

If you find the combination that works, please do share.