dick seiders

Well Known Member
For those of you who have removed and re installed the carbs to put the drip pans in place can you clarify for me where the O ring for the carb mount bracket was? The O ring I see is that which is installed on the intake manifold. The bracket O ring Van refers to in instructions then is the mating O ring half attached to the mount bracket? Is this considered to be an O ring or is simply a sufficient seal for the bracket to drip pan?
Appreciate your feedback.
Dick Seiders
For those of you who have removed and re installed the carbs to put the drip pans in place can you clarify for me where the O ring for the carb mount bracket was? The O ring I see is that which is installed on the intake manifold. The bracket O ring Van refers to in instructions then is the mating O ring half attached to the mount bracket? Is this considered to be an O ring or is simply a sufficient seal for the bracket to drip pan?
Appreciate your feedback.
Dick Seiders

There is a loose O ring in a circular groove in the aluminum intake manifold. There is a second integral O ring that is molded into the "carb. mount flange".

I am pretty sure the instructions specify that both of the O rings are supposed to remain in their original locations (though the integral O ring really can't be move because it is molded into the carb. mount flange).

The drip tray is intended to be installed between the two O rings so that they seal the drip tray on the fwd and aft side.
Thanks, Scott. I saw the integral O ring, but wondered whether that was a sufficent seal. Appreciate the feedbck.