
Well Known Member
A short time ago, I ran across some alternative instructions for drilling the flap hinges to the wings. These instructions involved drilling extra holes between the existing wing holes and inserting temporary rivets backwards to hold the wing skin and brace together for fitting the flap. I can't seem to find the instructions and I'm at that point. Anybody bookmark this and can help me out?
macrafic said:
A short time ago, I ran across some alternative instructions for drilling the flap hinges to the wings.
Matt already showed what you were looking for. I don't know how this should be handled but when I found an writing which I might need later, I choose "Thread Tools->Subscribe" and take that notification thing off. The number of subscribed threads is relatively low (as I try to put there things I will really need) it is easy to look subscibed threads and find out what I was looking for. Have to admit that all interesting things doesn't end up there and finding them after it is...