
Well Known Member
How many sets of holes did you drill and how far apart? How tall are you?
I'm 5'6" 30" inseam (short) so I figure I need the pedals closer than most. But where to drill?

I was hoping the center block and outboard blocks had the same hole dimension so I could 1/2 the distance and drill a few sets. That way every hole could be used for either side of the block.
That won't work because the center block holes are closer together. Manual calls for 2D seperation between hole edges so I thought maybe 1" apart till I get to a hole distance interference. Problem is without sitting in the cockpit, I have no idea if the pedal location will be all the way aft, mid point or forward.
What say you 7 drivers of similar height (if any exist)?

And no short jokes! I loved it when big guy couldn't squeeze into the race car and I would climb right in. They always wanted me to do the exit test because I could beat the clock no problem.:D
I'm taller 5' 11", but my inseam is only 31". I put in four sets of holes and I ended up using one of the middle positions, I think the third from the firewall.

I drilled 3 sets, but may still drill one more set this weekend, now that I have my seats. Just don't tighten down the nuts until the very end. I just have my pedals loose, with nuts just slightly tightened on by hand.

James, Scott. How far apart is each set? In James photo the look to be about 1". Also, the center brace looks like it limits the aft travel.
I drilled 3 sets, all 1 inch apart. I am waiting on my finish kit, but with my seats in and making airplane noises I have them the most forward possible. Im 6'1"
On my 9A (same fuselage as 7) the rudder cables fixed the final location of the rudder pedals. I had hole further aft than would work with the link bars and the provided cables. My legs appear to be longer than yours but the center seat back location works very well for me. That being said you could look at Fabing an extension at the base of the pedals ( I've seen photos of a hose like item wrapped around the bottom of the pedals). Clear of the break pedals. With the seat back full forward and the extension I think the rudder control will be good. The break pedals don't require more than maybe 1/4" movement so just pivoting off the extensions will do.
I drilled 3 sets, all 1 inch apart. I am waiting on my finish kit, but with my seats in and making airplane noises I have them the most forward possible. Im 6'1"

I did almost the same thing ... 3 sets, one inch apart, then jumped to the 4th hole and drilled a final aft hole for a total of 7 holes. I'm 5' 11", 32" inseam, so I don't think I'll need to go more aft than that.


Spacing seemed to work out pretty well
I drilled 3 sets, all 1 inch apart. I am waiting on my finish kit, but with my seats in and making airplane noises I have them the most forward possible. Im 6'1"

I have mine about 3/4" back from the firewall. I'm 6'3" and I like a little more knee bend than some for leverage. I waited to get my upholstery, sat in the plane, got all nice and comfortable with the positioning and drilled a single set of holes. :)

I think I have a plan. I can make a new set of link bars if the aft position is needed.
The plans call out a minimum dimension from the firewall of 3" for the forward block position. Since I'm vertically challenged, my plan is to drill the aft most hole for the outboard blocks at 9". That places the center block aft hole well forward of the end of the center brace. Then I drill four sets 3/4" apart. If I calculated correctly, the forward position puts the block 1/8" aft of the 3" minimum at 3-1/8". Maximum number of adjustment locations without busting an edge distance.

If my calculations are correct, no hole set will be less than 3/4" center to center or 9/16 between hole edges and 3/16" over the minimum edge to edge requirement.
I could get them further aft by placing the center brace aft hole 3/8" from the end but that would leave the forward most position too far aft for a tall person and would only gain about 3/4" aft. I think this is the best overall solution for adjustment.
I will lay it out tomorrow and measure 10 times before drilling to be certain.:D
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We're the same height

Hi Larry,

It sounds like we are the same height and have the same inseam. I'll take a look at my notes tomorrow and get back with you but I came up with a hole spacing that works well for this. I also came up with a way to drill the holes so they work out nicely. I should be able to get back with you by tomorrow afternoon.

Hi Larry,

It sounds like we are the same height and have the same inseam. I'll take a look at my notes tomorrow and get back with you but I came up with a hole spacing that works well for this. I also came up with a way to drill the holes so they work out nicely. I should be able to get back with you by tomorrow afternoon.

Cool. Thanks.
Don't sweat fractions. The final fore-aft rudder bar position can be significantly altered by changing the angle of the dangle from the longeron and cutting appropriate length cable tie straps, which are custom fabbed for all installations.

John Siebold
My location

I had several holes drilled, and have moved the pedals after flying. I am 5'9"' and have the Classic Aero Design interior. I like the seat bottom in the forward position so it is reclined a little. Multiple holes were drilled during the build. For the first 20 hours or so I found it difficult to stay off the brakes. Moved the pedals all the way forward, about 1/2" off the firewall recess, but did NOT lengthen the rudder cable attachment points. Still have full rudder travel. Wanted a little angle to the pedals. Felt much better. Added some rudder pedal extensions and it feels perfect now. Personally, unless you have some very short legs, I would not put more than 2-3 sets of holes about 1" apart each.

Can provide measurements of anything if needed.