
Active Member
I am about to drill the steel predrilled hinge brackets on my RV-14 VS rear spar. Is it better to drill through the steel hinge bracket hole first or the fwd side of the aluminum spar? My only concern would be that if the steel hole does not align perfectly, it will elongate the hole in the aluminum.
Steel first

I am about to drill the steel predrilled hinge brackets on my RV-14 VS rear spar. Is it better to drill through the steel hinge bracket hole first or the fwd side of the aluminum spar? My only concern would be that if the steel hole does not align perfectly, it will elongate the hole in the aluminum.

Assuming all the holes are prepunched, cleko it and drill one hole at a time from the steel side. Insert a cleko of the correct size. Remove a cleko. Repeat.
As Larry said. And if you don't have the larger cleco size, use a bolt after drilling.
I like to replace with a bolt on these as I go. The clecos aren't a very close tolerance fit. Do 1, bolt, then the second in the opposite corner, bolt. After that, it doesn't matter. And yes, start on the steel side.