
Well Known Member
I'm getting ready to align and drill the flaperon torque tubes - Section 32-09,10. Any reason I can't do this by installing one wing at a time? Shop space makes it difficult to install both without opening the garage door. I do see where you lock the mixer in the neutral position. Should be OK right?
Danger Will Robinson!...

Whoo Boy...you should get a lot of discussion and opinions about this.
Here's mine.
First, read carefully the thread titled "Flaperon Induced Roll" (or close) which is active right now in this forum. The point is that accuracy in setting up your linkages, arm lengths, and flaperon position prior to drilling is VERY important, and may be difficult to correct is done improperly.

Yes, the Mixer is "locked" but still has a small amount of "play" as I recall. And there is play elsewhere in the system also that get addressed in the published procedure.
Some of the other folks may have taken a one-at-time approach and if it worked well they'll tell you how. Meantime, read and re-read the other thread carefully.

Just based on my recollections from a year or so ago, I couldn't recommend it.
Best Regards,
I did mine (carefully) one at a time and they came out perfectly. No sign of induce roll or other ill effects.