
Active Member
I am assuming it is a best practice to use a drill press to match drill spars and other parts when possible. Seems like this is the best option to obtain a nice round and perfectly linear hole.

One question I do have is on technique with vans pre-drilled holes. I have been placing the drill tip in the hole to center it before starting the drill press with a foot pedal. This seems to work and keep it centered, but is it better to get the bit to full speed? My thought is that if there is any wobble, the bit may not center on the hole and elongate it.

Also, when drilling spars I have to get pretty creative to clamp the piece to the table. It is also not always possible to back the material with a piece of wood. Could this be resulting in poorer results?

Best practice would be to use a reamer for the final size and use a drill bit for a pilot hole.

Next best would be to use double margin drill bits.

I would be curious as to the total number of RVs that are safely flying whose builders used just a standard drill bit...probably in a hand held drill...

I would guess that the numbers are large...
As Bob comments, you're over thinking it. A mere human can drill a straight enough hole for the thousands you need to do to build an airplane.
Per all of the plans I’ve ever seen, the Spar bolt holes are supposed to be close tolerance. Not going to get that by only utilizing any drill bit and/or technique. Follow the plans. Let design margin remain as such. It doesn’t take that much more effort and time.
More difficult

For me, match drilling holes with a drill press was more difficult. It was very hard to get the pilot hole lined up, the pieces clamped, and then the new piece drilled in alignment. This was done on a few pieces were good perpendicularity was needed, but the majority of the match drilling was with a hand drill. I did make a drill bushing that had a #40 hole it it that allows the hand drill to make perfectly perpendicular holes on thicker pieces or were the instructions wanted precise holes.