
Active Member
All my kits, including engine and prop, are ordered so I'm getting my workshop ready. I've built my worktables and am now buying tools. I'm wondering if I need to get a drill press for the RV-14 quickbuild kit. How much would I use it? I've read general comments about the value of a drill press but I'm wondering how much I'd use it with the QB kits.
Drill press is always nice, although you can get by without one. Obviousy a good set of riveting and sheet metal tools, as well as a good band saw, belt sander, reamers and scotchbrite wheel are a necessity.
My opinion, which counts for nothing = Yes, but acquire at your leisure.

You will need it at some point; this build or other project. It can easily pay for itself by avoiding re-do costs and associated delays. Doesn't need to be new or pretty. In fact, I prefer the old bullet proof ones versus the newer, less expensive ones that have been strategically sourced to be inexpensive.

As mentioned, buy one at your leisure from Craigslist, garage sale, etc. While you're looking, a band saw, bench (belt) sander, etc, are always good to try and pick-up.

My $0.02
I can't speak to usefulness for the build...but seems to me anyone spending significant time in a workshop like you will for a build will come across countless uses for a small drill press...even if it's NEVER directly used on the aluminum of the aircraft....
building jigs, modifying storage solutions or benches, brackets, tool making, etc....
Bench tools

I prefer the press as much as possible because it drills perfectly perpendicular if set up properly. Find one with no runout on the chuck. Mine was a previous owner Harbor Fright. Works ok but there is some play in the chuck. Variable speed without the need to move a belt is also a plus.
If you want dead straight holes, drill bushings are the thing to get. We used them on the X47-B build, all hiloks all close tolerance holes in titanium.
General Rule of Airplane building: Don't skimp on the tools.
Buy tools as you need them. I have a small Scotchbrite 1" diameter wheel chucked in my drill press and it is used to deburr every edge of every skin/rib/flange/etc after filing down the shear marks. Countersinking is another benefit. Chuck up the countersinking cage and it makes quick and exact countersinks on material.
Buy a nice one.
Sell and get 75% of your money back when build is finished.

Or save for the second build.

Will you use much on the QB airframe? Probably not.

Will you use it a lot on making all the brackets and do dads for mounting avionics, FWF stuff, and more? Yup.

A small band saw and drill press make quick work of those little brackets. I built my RV6A QB without either. Yup, hacksaw and hand drill. ON A RV6A (to all you people who say those are hard/difficult/etc to build).

Helping another fellow build a 6... sure love that he's got both. Makes those do dads go so much faster.