Awesome! Pay no attention to all the nay-sayers who will soon chime in! You only go-round once! The water around here never "solidifies", so we have no opportunity to do things like that. We don't get to have as much fun as you guys do!
I love it!!!
Living 3 miles from Alton Bay, I?ve landed my RV-8 on the ice in years when we had ice and no snow..
Over shooting the runway and sliding a 1/4 mile or so is just plan fun..
That's good practice I say! no one got chopped in half by the prop so all good! :D
I would suggest there are ice conditions that will give a bit more friction than in this demo.

Also, different swivel breakouts amongst tailwheel mfgr and riggings may give a different result. Plus any winds and gusts. As we used to say with demonstration flying- only a limits demo will impress pilots. This is a demo for the non-pilot crowd.

That was impressive.
Cool! That wasn't at Council Grove was it?

This was at a private lake near Lawrence, KS. That said I am not suggesting others do this but it was something I have waited for perfect minimum conditions for many years and I must say it was one of the most fun experiences I have had with my RV and 36 years of flying. I will upload a few more videos from the GP later this week. This was a one time event for me as it was a bucket list item.
That looks suspiciously like an RV-8 that occasionally flies over my house on occasion. Cool video.

Only go around once?

Logansc ......looks to me like he went around a couple of times!

Awesome video!
After that video presentation I can see Vlad converting to a -9 with large mains.