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inspired by recent shots from this video camera...

mounted on the wingtip looking back at the pilot and fuselage, here is a short clip with some dramatic lighting where the sun poked through out over the water for a brief moment along with the landing from the turn to final.

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FANTASTIC!! That's a unique perspective I haven't seen before. I'm sure I'm not the only one wondering how you mounted the camera. Any pics of that?

Nice greaser landing, too. It's hard to see when you actually touched down. But my favorite part was the athletic backwards jump into the airplane. How'd you do that?? (grin)
mounting the Drift

the mount system is especially versatile. the camera has a standard tripod socket with a small locking adapter that allows you to clock the camera in any direction when you snap it into one of the receiver bases. i used a standard helmet base fitted to the wing tip screw spacing. the lens and sensor on the camera can be rotated 300 degrees so you pretty much can frame any shot with any mounting position.

here is the camera on the wingtip for reference.

a closer shot you can see he helmet base

the screen on the Drift is great for framing the shot before committing to the flight.

this weekend i experimented with mounting and video with 10 flights... i have gads of video with some great results for mounting locations and perspectives. my favorite is the underside view with the wheels in the frame. i will post additional mounting points and some videos this week.