
Legacy Member
In Paul's thread regarding The Airplane and the Horse, Jeff made the following post:
AntiGravity said:
One of the things Jackie and I intend to do once the RV-8 is built and proven, and the pilot has enough experience, and we don't have the ties of animals is a trip to Australia. We plan to take 2-3 months off work, fly the -8 over the water and just tool around looking at stuff. When we've had enough, run out of time, or run out of money, we'll fly back home again.
This got me thinking... For the last four years Nora and I have talked about the places we shall go and the people we shall meet with the help of the -9.

Besides trips to our parents, we hope to take the future N941WR to the Bahamas and Alaska.

What destinations have you been dreaming about since you started on this journey?
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Future trips

My wife and I are hoping to go to the Bahamas. I am originally from Ecuador, so I'd like to fly there also. Niagara Falls in short on the list also. Well, back to reality... darn, reality sucks! :eek:
My two big ones are the Bahama's and a tour of the rim of the Gulf of Mexico from someplace like Cancun all the way around to finish in Key West. Other than that, I'd like to spend some time in Montana, skiing in the UP, and I plan a visit to Kill Devil Hills.

I have been looking at the Bahamas as well. Probably late summer.
At the end of March, I am taking a week off and flying up to MD to visit my father and into PA to visit other family.
In April, after seven years of driving, I am going to fly into SunNFun for the first time with my son and do a little camping there.
I would love to go on a BBQ and Blues flying tour (Memphis, Chicago, Mississippi).
Also, would love to take a month away from work and family to just fly around the country with no real agenda.
Not too exotic, but I'm looking forward to doing a shoreline tour of the west coast...Seattle to L.A.

Mmmm...Napa.... :rolleyes:
How about the Four Corners?

No, not that place where CO, NM, UT, an AZ come together - although that is a cool place too (but I can do that in a weekend)!

How about the four corners of the Lower 48? San Diego, Seattle, Bangor...and maybe Key West? Might make for an interesting couple of weeks. But it sounds awfully ambitious. Maybe two weeks just wandering around the west - throw a dart at a map each morning. :cool:

Everyone has their own dreams!

Ok, I'll confess

I have been toying with the idea of flying Charles Lindbergh's 48 state tour after the Atlantic crossing. Don't know for sure which airports he visited or even if they are all open still, but I would like to visit all the states with my plane.
Rosie (and Tuppergal) the wanderer

Strolling past Paul Rosales's RV-6A at the Cable RV rendevous on Saturday, I noticed his prop card that is a map of the US. It had ALL the lower 48 and Alaska colored green. Now that is all four corners with the middle filled in! Rosie and Victoria live their dream. You (and me) can too. I just wish I had more time for everything!


From Rosie: Yes Tom, we are living our dream and have made many new friendships...all because we built an RV :) Keep poundin' them rivets because its ALL worth it!
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This might be a modest goal for many of you but our aspiration for the summer is to fly from the West Coast (starting on the Oregon coast) to the East Coast and back. We'll take 2-3 weeks to do it so that we can lollygag (is the correct aeronautical term?) along the way.

We have rented a beach house in Punta Chivato, Baja California for a week in March. Flight plan is 50R - KELP - MMHO - Punta Chivato. The plan is to do some whale watching at San Ignacio Lagoon, day flying trip to Tortuga for lobster and to knock down some tequila shots in the evening to ward off any bugs that might be encountered.

Mark (RV-10)
Chuck (RV-7A)
Bob (RV-8)

1st to Cabo then to Alaska. Or Alaska then Cabo.
Got to build that rod holder thing.

Still Dreaming but it will come. 2010
I already did mine in the first year.

OSH, Chino Airshow and Van's homecoming.
That's it. I dunno why? That's all I ever thought about.

I've scratched my head and a couple others come to mind. Rosamond,CA skypark and eat at the Golden Cantina, Oceano,CA, maybe fly the San Francisco Bay and down the Big Sur coast and-- Burning Man. :) (i don't even know where that is, really.)

That will do!!!

and maybe tour every Air Force Musuem is the USA?

great thread!!!

RV-7a 1 yr old.
60 hrs. formation flying
Air worthiness certificate in hand, Mike Seager endorsement in log book, now to get it to quit fricken snowing!!!!!
But when the fourty hours is flown off.............."The Texas Hill Country B-B-Q Tour"!!
Been dreaming about it for EIGHT years!!

Home bace is Fort Worth, Texas
My RV trips include 3 times to Key West. 5 times to OSH. 4 Vans Home Comings. 6 Idaho trips. Many, many, to New Mexico, and Colorado.
Last year I flew my SuperCub "Shooter" to OSH, back to FT Worth and out to Oreagon Idaho and Montana.
This year I plan to fly the SuperCub to OSH, New Holsteine, WI. Fly the Missouri River/ Lewis & Clark trail, to Montania, Missouri Breaks. Then to Jonson Creek, Yellow Pine, Idaho for the Harmonica Fest the first week in August. Then out to the San Juan Islands, and back to and a Super Cub Fly the 3rd week of August at Johnson Creek. Should be a fun summer. Don't stay home!! Get out and see our country.This will be a low and sloooww summer.
Four Corners

If you fly over that desert area, then fly to Monument Valley. You can land at the Gouldings Lodge strip if its gravel/paved composition suits you.
Get out and GO!

Traveling is the reason we settled on the CT and I am considering upgrading to a -7 or -9. While fun and decently fast at 115kt, the CT just pales compared to the thought of 160 to 180 kt in a -7/9. It doesn't take many days of bucking 30 kt headwinds to make that obvious even to me. ;)

Speed, long legs, great visibility and STOL performance are what make the RV appealing to me as a traveling / exploring machine. The fact that you can barrel roll the thing just makes it more fun.
I almost got to fly yesterday.

Griff said:
Air worthiness certificate in hand, Mike Seager endorsement in log book, now to get it to quit fricken snowing!!!!!
But when the fourty hours is flown off.............."The Texas Hill Country B-B-Q Tour"!!
Been dreaming about it for EIGHT years!!

Headed out from work early (Beaverton, Oregon), because there was a hole in the clouds and the rain and snow had stopped. I could ever see that round yellow object in the sky (can't remember what it name is). The commute was lighter then usual (50 mph average speed). I was watching the clouds to the west and it looked like the hole would last 30 to 45 minutes. Hoping I would get a change to fly I headed to the Lenhardt airport (7S9). When I got to the airport there was still a nice hole to the west but the clouds were right off the south end of the airport. Jump out of my truck and headed for the hangar. I stopped just long enough to check which way the clouds were moving.

Dang, we were in a winds from the south pattern. Got back in the truck and headed home as it started mixed rain and snow. Man it this time of year that I wished I lived in Arizona or Texas.

Chino Tom said:
Strolling past Paul Rosales's RV-6A at the Cable RV rendevous on Saturday, I noticed his prop card that is a map of the US. It had ALL the lower 48 and Alaska colored green.
Dang, that got me thinkin...wanted to see what it looked like when I plotted where I've landed in my RV-7 (green is in my RV, blue is previously in my other planes...learned to fly in New England).

Haven't done diddly in the southeast, but Jen and I are heading to the Florida Keys later this year. Alaska is definitely on our list of wannagos for next year.
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kentb said:
Got back in the truck and headed home as it started mixed rain and snow. Man it this time of year that I wished I lived in Arizona or Texas.

Ouch! Man, I'm not trying to rub your nose in it or anything, but yesterday afternoon/evening I was puttering around Houston in my -8 wearing shorts and a T shirt. Nice! But, there's always a down side... when July/August rolls around and I'm drenched with sweat from the 100 degree temps and 90% humidity, I'll be dreaming of a trip up to OR/WA where it'll be nice, cool, dry...

As for my must-see list? Gotta fly in to OSH, and perhaps while up that way make a detour over to Dayton, OH to see the USAF Museum, again. Great museum, everyone should see it at least once... I've been 3 times so far and it never gets old. Gotta get to Pensacola for the Naval Aviation museum. And, as others have said, a trip west is in order for some airport hopping around SoCal; Chino, Corona, Flabob, Catalina, Santa Monica, Santa Paula, Mojave, etc... so many cool airports, so little time. After that, up the coast to MRY, SFO, Oregon and Washington. And someday, when I have the vacation time saved up, a trip to Alaska might even be in order...
I'm going to start out with some easy destinations:
Friday and Roche Harbors on San Juan Island
Orcas Island
round Mt. St. Helens and Rainier
out to the coast
over the Cascades
maybe around the Olympic Mountains

(we've got some very cool flying up here in the NW corner Dan)

After that:
Tucson to visit my folks, overflying the Grand Canyon on the way
and everywhere in between

I think that covers it. You can do a lot of dreaming in 2k hours. :)
Davepar said:
I'm going to start out with some easy destinations:
Friday and Roche Harbors on San Juan Island
Orcas Island
round Mt. St. Helens and Rainier
out to the coast
over the Cascades
maybe around the Olympic Mountains
Stop! STOP!!! No fair taunting the rest of us! ;)

A trip to the San Juans, around the Olympics, down the coast and up the Columbia would be so cool ... Sadly, I got my ticket only after leaving the PNW. Maybe some time off this summer is in order .... :)
Davepar said:
I'm going to start out with some easy destinations:
Friday and Roche Harbors on San Juan Island
Orcas Island
round Mt. St. Helens and Rainier
out to the coast
over the Cascades
maybe around the Olympic Mountains

(we've got some very cool flying up here in the NW corner Dan)

After that:
Tucson to visit my folks, overflying the Grand Canyon on the way
and everywhere in between

I think that covers it. You can do a lot of dreaming in 2k hours. :)
Dave-How come your list looks exactly like mine? Actually, all you'd have to do is swap out Tucson for Phoenix or Obregon, Mexico and we would have an identical list. Heck, for that matter, leave Tucson on!
Immediate gratification needed

Here we are, setting up our PVC and plastic sheet paint booth and this thread shows up. We want to finish this soooo badly that we can taste it. So first things first. Finish, then achieve immediate gratification. Fly the 50 mile radius race track for 40 hours, then OSH, then a trip to see Mom (where it all really started) in Klamath Falls, Oregon, then a trip to Olympia, WA for a week on the boat. This way, I get to see the San Juan Islands by water and air. That is the short list for 2007.

But first. We must get the paint on the plane(s).

Pat Garboden
Ozark, MO
Building in Wichita, KS

RV9-A 942WG (reserved) O-235 w/slider paint stage (mechanically complete)
RV9-A 942PT (reserved) O-320 w/tip up wiring

Three pages of posts and not one of you indicated you would like to fly to what is probably your easiest international destination. CANADA. We don't have as numerous quality airports as the US, but we do have them. We also have a lot of smaller airports and our aircraft handle them well. So specific destinations...Rockcliff in Ottawa, taxi up to Canada's National aviation museum. The airport is right in the city and hotels are a short cab ride away. The RCMP musical ride lives walking distance from the airport, and the riding ring and stables are open to the public. Summerside or Charlottown in Prince Edward Island. One of the most popular summer vacation destinations in Canada. If you are into fishing, Goose Bay in Labrador, or any of the small costal airports in Labrador..check your maps. Various places in Nova Scotia. On every labour day weekend there is a well attended flyin at the Stanley airport near Windsor Nova Scotia. St. John's Newfoundland, one US Navy Aviator that wrote a book I read ( I forget who it was right now) in the glossery under "liberty" said that he had had liberty in the biggest and best ports in the world and the best one, bar none was St. John's. :) (Great city, I lived there for 5 years in the 70's. I could go on, I haven't even touched the west. We would love to see more US based RVers visit our country....your money is worth more besides!!

Joe Hine
Fredericton N.B. (CYFC) in the beautiful St. John river valley

I'll second what you said about CYYG (Charlottetown, PEI) -- that was the first long x-country Jen & I made from SoCal in my RV-7. It was beautiful! Greenest place I've ever seen. Great place to take your wife/family.
Joe Hine said:
...not one of you indicated you would like to fly to what is probably your easiest international destination. CANADA...
The trouble is, so few of us speak Canadian :rolleyes:
Flight Dreams

Just remember that any trips outside the US will now require a passport to return. Even to Canada. Thanks to Homeland Security now only non-citizens will be coming to America without a passport.

P.S. If you are on this website and work for Homeland Security, please don't take this personal. I know there are good people working there too.
I think Canada is between Hawaii and Bermuda. So is Mexico, Bahamas......Grand Canyon, Alaska, and OSH. But OSH will probably be my first trip provided I can finish this thing by June.
Not Bahamas

Unless their attitudes have changed, simply overfly the Bahamas and go to St Maarten and the Turks and Caicos Islands. Saba is 20 miles or so south of St Maarten and only has one 1300' runway into which fully loaded Twin Otters fly daily :eek: and use slightly more than half the runway! We went scuba diving there and on base leg you are heading straight for the mountain!

dreaming too

I definitely want to do a couple of diving trips to the keys, the Cayman islands and the Turks. I can't wait for my magic carpet to be ready to go!

You're right Joe. I forgot about Canada, although my list is mostly West Coast for now: Sydney, Nanaimo, a few other places on Vancouver Island that look cool.
I just heard a discussion about northern Michigan... In the summer of course. Lots of small towns. Sounds interesting.. Fly up and rent a cabin??
Camping and flying

Let's see...
How about all the (suitable) mountain airports in Colorado, Idaho, Montana,Oregon
Anyplace you can fly to and fish or hike (that one would keep you busy for awhile)

And the return visits to all those places on my "best places visited" list...these are unforgettable!
Alaska,Yukon, Northwest Territories, BC (in the summer)
All the Nevada dry lakebeds...when they're dry (and Burning Man too)
Custer County airport in S.D.
Johnson Creek, ID
Nehalem Bay, OR
All the Oregon/Washington coastal airports
Sandpoint, ID
Page, AZ and the Grand Canyon
The whole state of Utah, down low
Jackson Hole
West Yellowstone, MT
Monument Valley
Cascades from S to N and in between
Maybe not so glamourous but ....

I was thinking of this thread yesteday as I sat in Nashville trying to get on a standbye flight back to Big D....

Just the ability to hop in the airplane and go, no seatbacks or tray tables, or arriving early, none of that ****....

My recent two hour meeting in Huntsville, AL went something like this...

Thursday: Leave the office (1 mile from KADS) at 15:30 on for a 18:30 departure out of DFW to BNA (Nashville). Arrive in Nashville, rent car, drive two hours to Huntsville and check into hotel.

Get up, go to two hour meeting. Head two hours back to BNA and return car, try to get out on the 14:30 or the 16:30 flights back to DFW.

Recent WX and spring break means I'm lucky to have seat 26B way in the back of the junk jet. Arrive at DFW at 21:00 Friday PM.

30 hrs for a meeting that was not worth the time it took! I lost a day that I'll have to make up somewhere else....

In an RV it would have been more like .....
Friday: Depart at 52F at 06:00(my dream airplane has a dream hangar) quick stop at KTKI to pick up the sales guy I was with, and press on to KHSV.
Taxi or FBO ride 1 mile to meeting, back to FBO gas, lunch, depart by 1:00 drop off the sales guy and I'm home by 5:00 .....

That my friends is MY DREAM destination!
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Puerto Rico

I would like to fly to Puerto Rico. There is a small grass strip outside of La Parguera that would be perfect. From there I could fly around to all the Caribean islands. It would also be fun to fly around europe a bit, but rather than flying over the Atlantic, I would fly (if possible) the "Western Route" across the bering strait through the Soviet Union, and back the same way.

Of course I should mention that I haven't flown the pattern yet...

Resurrecting an old thread

As long as we're dreaming...

I'd love to fly to Ireland. AZ to ME, then up the eastern Maritimes, Greenland, Iceland, then south to my ancestral homeland (been three times and each time the departure was more painful).

I've already promised The Kid I'd take her to Ireland for her 18th birthday (next December). Imagine what an adventure it would be if we could do it in our own airplane...
I haven't really come any further than dreaming of test flying my -4 :) When that is done, possibilities opens up of course.

From the top of my head in no particular order: A round trip along the "edges" of Norway-Denmark-Sweden-Finland. Tannheim in Germany (AKA Tannkosh). Some of the nice GA airports in the British islands I have read about in Pilot Magazine :) . Bavaria and the Alps. The Chech republic to visit some of the aircraft producers.

Going west, Shetland - Farao islands - Island - Greenland - Canada - USA - Oregon/Osh would really be something, but I'm not sure flying hours and hours over the Atlantic ocean is particularly fun. Going east through Siberia - Alaska sounds more temptating.