
Well Known Member
Has anyone else found that when using the DRDT2 dimpler on folded skins (like the HS) that the other half of the skin gets in the way of the handle? I had a frustrating time trying to dimple some of hte holes in close to the bend on a HS skin and may have made a couple of tiny little dents in the skin in the process (not serious enough to worry about, but I know they're there).
Any tips that might help for the next skin?
How are you orienting the skins while dimpling? My understanding is this is how it is done with no interference from the other side of the skin...


Good thought... I was doing it the other way, because I thought it was safer to rest the hole in the male die in the bottom, and have the female die come down from the handle. My reasoning was that this would reduce the chance of the made die missing the hole and punching an unwanted hole through the skin.
But you're right, that way would eliminate the problem of the handle hitting the skin.

What do people do about little "smiles" and dings in their skins? Order new skins, or just leave them and not worry about them? How much skin damage (little dents and dings) is tolerable from a safety standpoint?
prkaye said:
...What do people do about little "smiles" and dings in their skins? Order new skins, or just leave them and not worry about them? How much skin damage (little dents and dings) is tolerable from a safety standpoint?
If they are "little dents and dings", all are tolerable from a safety standpoint.

prkaye said:
Good thought... I was doing it the other way, because I thought it was safer to rest the hole in the male die in the bottom, and have the female die come down from the handle. My reasoning was that this would reduce the chance of the made die missing the hole and punching an unwanted hole through the skin.
With the DRDT-2 you have so much control this isn't much of an issue as long as you are careful. I lower the ram slowly to the point that the pilot on the male die enters the hole, then depress the handle completely. Besides, it is much easier to slide the skin across the female die than the male die. Just make sure the female die (on the bottom) is at or even slightly above the surface of your table. You can shim the die with washers if it is needed.
What I did

Phil I took the handle off the DRDT-2 and was able to dimple the skins for the HS. Then I realized I could turn over the skin and did the rest that way. :p

Hope this helps.


I found that with the female die on the bottom, I could develop a rhythm by raising the male die 1/4" above the work, move the work, catch the next hole with the male die, dimple it. The HS skins took 5-6 minutes per side. Less than 30 minutes for both skins.