
I am waiting on my 14 tail kit and finishing my tool purchase, at least to get started. I hear a lot of good reviews for the DRDT-2 but am curious how much of the dimpling, other than skins, it can do. I have access to one at my local EAA chapter so if it is only needed for the skins then I may go that route. However, if it can be used for much more then it may be worth purchasing one for myself.

Thank in advance for your feedback.
Skins for sure, and all the light gauge stiffeners for the rudder and elevators. There are lots of pieces that the DRDT-2 won't do. And, more than a couple I could only do with the "close quarter" pop-rivet dimple dies.

All in all, my DRDT-2 has paid for itself. I put the male dimple die on the bottom (except for the old style RV-8 rudder skin) and a drill press laser light on the beam so that I can quickly locate male die in the correct hole. Doing it this way, I've never had a doubled or mis-dimpled hole. I don't like swinging hammers around thin skins.

Note: no special workbench or platform needed!
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I did most of my dimpling using a borrowed DRDT-2, which I highly recommend. Much more consistent than a C-frame and hammer. For some smaller quick dimples, and a few after I returned the DRDT-2, I used my "Main Squeeze" from Cleaveland Tool, using a bench vise clamping the back of the yoke to hold it. This worked great for most dimples close to edges. And once in a while, the only thing that would work was the pop-rivet dies, so you will likely need all 3 tools. <grin>
