
I'm New Here
I am building up the (Ground Adjustable) pedal assembly on the work bench for an RV-8A QB. The plans are from 2012 (#83295) and I am using the OP-3A Drawing that came with the pedal kit. There is a note on that drawing to "See DWG 34, Detail D and Detail E". I cannot find a drawing "34" anywhere. Am I missing something?
Check "the list"

The Vans list says it is for FWF on an RV8.

Maybe an 8 friend will email one to you.
Detail "D" is just the assembly of the order of the bolt and washers and nut with the cotter key. Detail "E' is how to drill a hole into a plate on the lower peddles to change the angle of the peddles to your liking. If I was smarter I could take a picture and post it but alas I'm not:(.

I figured the drawing was to show the brake pedal angle relative to the rudder pedals and I've seen lots of posts on that subject. (I'm 6'7" (with the tall pilot option) and chose ground adjustable since I've assumed they will always be in the furthest forward position for me. I just ordered some seat cushions so I can get a better feel for fit and leg room. I'm guessing they (the brakes) will be tilted a bit forward for me, but maybe I should wait until the Instru panel is in? (leg room?).
I will look at Drawing 81, guess I didn't think to look at all the other drawings.
Thanks again!

RV-8A QB (Somewhere in the middle of the build)
1965 C-172 (Weekly (agonizingly slow) flier) ;)
RV8 build

Just had to comment. I also owned a 65 C-172 and have been flying my 8A for a year. Keep pounding those rivets. You are going to love the 8. And the 8 will fly cheaper than the cessna. My .02 worth. Tim
Drawing 34 -found - Read here...

I also have been looking for drawing 34. I found that on the plans - OP-3 it called for a reference to this drawing. I discovered after many hours of searching that they are referring to drawing 81. Problem solved - hope this helps.

George Ford
Drawing 34

Van's sent me this PDF when I questioned them about the notorious 'Drawing 34".


Hope you can open it. If not, I can e-mail it to you.
I also have been looking for drawing 34. I found that on the plans - OP-3 it called for a reference to this drawing. I discovered after many hours of searching that they are referring to drawing 81. Problem solved - hope this helps.

George Ford

Yep, it took a couple days to accidentally find it.

FWIW if I had to do it over I'd go with with in flight adjustable pedals, the documentation is better and I would not have crawl in there to adjust them.
FWIW if I had to do it over I'd go with with in flight adjustable pedals, the documentation is better and I would not have crawl in there to adjust them.

I am thinking the same thing. I have ground adjustable, not installed yet, and I'm not real enamored with how they mount. I'm thinking I should probably change to flight adjustable. Does anyone have any pics of the ground adjustable they could post?