I've had this for many years and I LOVE IT!!!! Rather than leave each bottle in the filler neck to get the very last drop, I'll drain the bottle then put the bottle into BOB. Depending on how long you leave the bottle emptying into the engine, you'll get a full 1-quart recovery from BOB in anywhere from 12-16 'empties'.

I had always hated throwing away the bottles after seeing how much oil 'pooled' into the bottom after sitting on the floor a couple of minutes after each oil change. Now I'm doing my share in going 'green' with my oil bottles :D Rosie

I've had this for many years and I LOVE IT!!!! Rather than leave each bottle in the filler neck to get the very last drop, I'll drain the bottle then put the bottle into BOB. Depending on how long you leave the bottle emptying into the engine, you'll get a full 1-quart recovery from BOB in anywhere from 12-16 'empties'.

I had always hated throwing away the bottles after seeing how much oil 'pooled' into the bottom after sitting on the floor a couple of minutes after each oil change. Now I'm doing my share in going 'green' with my oil bottles :D Rosie


I have seen Rosie's setup and have wanted to buy one after seeing it. I ordered mine from Amazon. ($13.74)
Paul, is the collection path protected from dust etc so the collected oil is clean?
I really like the idea, I usually cut the top out of two bottles and use it to collect the drippings by holding them upside down. I sit the "empties" on the hot (car) engine for a while to allow them to drain down, There is a LOT of oil that can remain there, but having a dirty trough collecting dust between changes makes it dark green. (ok, bad joke) Er - - less attractive.

From Rosie: I live in the desert with lots of wind and dust and have never had a problem with dirt in the narrow trough.
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My procedure is; after I pour each bottle into the engine, I set the "empty" down on the wing on it's edge, spout down.
After pouring the last bottle, I go back to the first bottle and empty them again in sequence.
I use the same procedure with my cars.
Not quite as thorough as Rosie's method, but I get most of it.
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I saw one in Iowa once that was shaped like an upside down Menorah. It didn't need the elaborate support or take up as much space. I think it held just 3 upside down bottles but that's plenty. I wish I had bought one. Has anyone else come across that style?
Turbo posted a similar idea with just a funnel into a used bottle and another used bottle turned upside down. It's a single shot idea but has worked for me for 3 years. I change out the "empty" bottles eveytime I get to the hangar. Works really well in out Florida heat. :D

No waiting for the bottle to empty into the engine.

The multi load gizmo looks like a good idea though....

I took one of those large automotive oil containers and use it for collection. It also serves as my oil funnel holder so any drips go into the container and there is very little exposed surface area to collect debris. If I change oil, the containers are set aside with lids. When I'm in the shop, I turn one over in the funnel. Next day, I swap and recycle the old one. In a few days, they are all gone. My Lucy isn't flying yet so this is all automotive but should work fine for airplane as well.
That is good Turbo. That way you avoid the cleanup of the BOB system. I had a BOB years ago, but it was a dust and dirt magnet.