
Well Known Member
My RV-10 kit had the twp comm antennae installed. I checked the angles and the two antenna are about 3* off from the aircraft centerline/slipstream. They are Rami bent whip antennae. I am wondering what kind of drag penalty this will cause. I am not too worried about the yaw beyond the penalty, as they offset one another.

I would have to pull the seat pan, remount these and plug the old holes to address it, so want to be sure it is worth the effort before doing it.

Thanks for the assistance.
Antenna drag

Hey Larry, you're gonna want to have those things in trail if you are to have any hope of keeping up with me! Seriously tho, if it's only 3*, maybe you could just twist the upper portion to get the lower part to line up?
Hey Larry, you're gonna want to have those things in trail if you are to have any hope of keeping up with me!

Clearly this is key goal for me :)

Twisting the rod to get it in line with the slip stream is a good idea. That would just leave the airfoil shaped main body out of alignment.

Ok, I guess I stink at eyeballing angles. I measured more accurately with a protractor and it looks like the screws hole lines are both within 1/2 a degree from perpendicular to the rear spar rivet line.

Thanks for the assist.
