
Well Known Member
Hey There RV World,

I am discussing paint with my wife, and I recall a picture of an RV-9 with a Wooden prop and Drab green flat paint...had a yellow and red tail as I recall.

Can anyone tell me where the phot is...I think I saw it on Vans First Flight anouncements about 4 months ago.
One of my favorites

I also been considering this paint scheme - one of my favorites :) My only concern is the reduced visability to other aircraft (verses a brighter paint scheme).
Me too!

I like it too.

I'm trying to get up the courage to paint mine something besides the "sissy white" as someone here said a few weeks ago.

I'm concerned about resale value and ease of sale. But hey, if you find someone that likes it too then it's "all good".

I think almost everyone "likes" the paint scheme but some will not want it on their personal airplane.

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That's the one...

I am considering the same, but with Yellow and Red invasion stripes, and no checkerboard tail.

What do others think about eventual resale value? I would like to have the option of re-sale should I talk family into building another plane one day, and if my situation changes.

Also what do you all think about visibility? My experience has been that dark planes are easier to spot than White ones...but I am open to other thoughts.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Some people love military paint schemes and others hate them. Just remember, a rose by any other name is still a rose.

Sorry I can't think of any other clich?s.

One nice thing about a military paint scheme is they are timeless.
A prewar star with invasion stripes? :D I love it... really. I was planning polish, with OD green top cowl and wings. Thats all I got for now ;D.
In my opinion, some colors on airplanes just seem to fit. I wanted OD green because it says "rugged" and "utilitarian" and harkens back to a certain retro style which I like a lot. I didn't build a pristine jewel and don't want my paint job to try and project that image.

A military paint scheme is not for everyone or every plane. If mine were a 9A it probably wouldn't work. I don't have a military backround besides being born on an Army base to a father who was an Army doc.

In the end, it is how you feel when you open the hangar doors six months or a year from when it came out of the paint shop. Will you be tired of looking at it and have regrets?
Happily, I don't.

Feel free to copy my paint job. What the pictures don't show is that the underside of the whole plane is grey. "Catalina" is my wife's name and a great source of pride for her that it is an my RV.