
Well Known Member
Doug please add the "Today Posts" back to the top of the home page ... I use it all the time to sneak a peak during work.

Humans are creatures of habit ? Vans Air Force is one of them and I need my fix all day long :eek:
Look at the VANSAIRFORCE.NET in the logo at the top of the page.
Click on the "N" in "NET" for new posts or the "T" in "NET" for today's posts.
it's so clutter free i can't find where i'm going

doug help me out here. my usual habit is to read the front page since you do a good job of finding most of the interesting stuff and then clicking latest or today's posts just to see what is going on. then i might click on my area of interest(3) to see if anything is happening there. i can still find the 3 area in the forums page but what happened to the most recent category that had every post in it. i read your post from yesterday three times and i still can't find it.
Mel, Thanks for the "NET" info, I was going to create a shortcut URL but I enjoy perusing the front page then goint to the "T" posts....:D
Here's a pic of where to find the forum links...

two 'hot spots' in the logo on the front page go to 'new' and 'today's', and the menu has a link to the main forums page, the new posts and today's post.

As always, several of the day's news items take you in the forums, so that works also.


More Contrast? Higher Position?

The irony is that when I started to visit this web community, I couldn't see the "New Posts" link because I was looking for it along the left side. Now I find it hard to see on the left side. My suggestion is to increase the contrast between the text and the background color for the menu along the left side, it is hard to read the way it is now. Maybe "Today's Posts" and "New Posts" deserves some higher placement as well. May I suggest putting them between "donate please" and the WX and TFR on the left?

As an Iphone user, my choice would be a big isolated button at the top for new posts, that is easy to hit on the tiny screen.

Other than that, fantastic forum.
As an Iphone user, my choice would be a big isolated button at the top for new posts, that is easy to hit on the tiny screen.
Other than that, fantastic forum.

You know...that's a wonderful idea.
Let me work on that.
Since the main reason IMO to visit VAF is the forums, should they be given more prominence than a mere entry among dozens of entries on the left side?

The N and T are a cute gimmick that cannot be relied upon. Resist the temptation for tricks of this kind. Study Edward Tufte; though he does not comment directly about web pages, his design philosophies are good. See especially his general praise for the iPhone.

The dual home pages which alternate by clicking the VAF logo always confused me. I would do away with the 'Flash' home page and make it another entry on the left.

Enough for today.
ROFL... I had long wished for a large RED button - front and center on the main page... and almost made the request last year... but then I figured you wanted us to look around for the link... and stumble over your advertising as well! ;) Figured I'd leave the web-master to his craft.

Now I find out that all this time you had a secret, nerd type "click on the 'N'" thing going! :p

Oh I love the "N" & "T" links in the logo...just learned about them. Makes me feel like an "insider" using them :D