
Well Known Member
I'm new to this site since Sept 06 and duhhh,,,, I got to looking around on Dougs VAF site and I noticed that you can make donations to help Doug with all of the HARD work that he has done on this site. Why didn't I see it until now??? :mad: My fault because I haven't looked at the entire site / small print. Being on here for close to two months I feel for Doug because I'm sure he get's ton's of e-mails and also he has to read and delete bad postings / respond to upset members about bashings and such. Maybe someone has already posted something like this, but I'm a new member and I wanted to post and support Doug. EVERYONE PLEASE SUPPORT DOUG AND EVERTHING THAT HE HAS DONE!!!! Monday I will have a check / donation in the mail to Doug for this AWESOME RV site that he has created.

PS::::: from what I found on this site there are only 282 people that have sent donations,,,,, and how many people are on this site????? Happy building and flying from Alan

By: Doug Reeves VAF
Only have 30 seconds? Please just read this.

If you're under the impression this hobby is about airplanes, I respectfully submit you are mistaken - it's about lifelong friendships being made and sustained.

Welcome to VansAirForce.net. I'm Doug Reeves and I do this site...as they say...to put food on the Reeves family table. I see my role as being one who fosters the sense of community between the 20,000+ people flying and/or building these wonderful planes (and the thousands wanting to build!).

I do most of the computer and photography work, but my wife pitches in by keeping the RV White Pages updated. The kids help out in their own way - mostly by encouraging their parents <g>.

You'll be happy to find out that unlike nearly all other high-traffic aircraft enthusiast sites, VansAirForce.net has no 'members only' sections that require you to pay to enter. You can read ALL the information on the site whether you are registered or not - whether you have paid or not. You only need to sign up in the forums if you want to post messages. All can read them.

After a few weeks of using the site, if you find you are one of those people who come back often (even several times a day), please send in $25/yr. This is all on the honor system. You might be surprised to find out I'm asking for roughly HALF of what most others ask.

I'd be willing to bet that if you are a fan of the Van's RV line of kitplanes you get more value, entertainment, and motivation out of this site than any aviation magazine or web site you currently subscribe to.

I provide this site to the RV community in a hassle-free way in order to raise funds to help pay the bills, operate the plane, save for college for our children and to save for the future. Every penny donated goes into college savings accounts. I do hope you find it refreshing that the honor system is alive and well in this day and age and I do hope you will consider donating $25 yearly if you are one of 'the regulars'.

Best always and enjoy your stay at VansAirForce.net,

Doug Reeves
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Doug doesn't do anything. These guys do all the work.



rv969wf said:
I'm new to this site since Sept 06 and duhhh,,,, I got to looking around on Dougs VAF site and I noticed that you can make donations to help Doug with all of the HARD work that he has done on this site. ...snip
Thank you Alan! (and Rosie and all).

I appreciate the kind words about the site (especially the plug for the donation section). On a kind-of-related note, about two weeks ago I was looking at the Piper Owner Society site looking for ideas, noting the differences between my site and theirs (specifically the 'people angle'). The 'Members Only' link really jumped out at me....and the fact you have to pay $48 to enter it ($63 if you live outside the U.S.) :D ! Once again, it seems to me that the RV community is so much more social and people-oriented. And, I prefer the honor system - one less username/password to remember!!!!

Well, thanks again. It's Saturday so I'm off to the airport!

On those pics above....which is me? ;)

Best always,
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Donation Submitted

I admit it. I listen to NPR only when they are NOT having a fund raiser. Does that make me a bad person? I did contribute, once, several years ago...

Today I noticed that Doug has an honor system for yearly donations to this site. After a year and half of lurking in the shadows, I have recently become somewhat more active on the site. I now read posts on a daily basis, have participated in a couple of group buys, and find the site to be quite addictive.

I appreciate the amount of work required to keep the site up and running, and am please to say that I also made a contribution into the college fund:)