
Well Known Member
Hey Doug, I studied your post of the Garmin Pilot features you have with great interest. But I still couldn't find it on "my" Garmin Pilot. So I called them, had them take a look at your pictures. They said, Oh he's got the Premium $150 package---that's why he's getting that stuff. I've just got the basic $75 package, and thus why I can't get it.

Oh well:rolleyes: [ed. :^) b,dr]
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Garmin Pilot

Its just airplane dollars. Not the same as real dollars. You don't tell the wife about this kind of money or they ask for tradeoffs. :D

Foreflight has some really cool updates as well. They are in the premium plan also.
Its just airplane dollars. Not the same as real dollars. You don't tell the wife about this kind of money or they ask for tradeoffs. :D

There's some truth there.

My wife and I were having a discussion a while back about something she wanted, and I said no, we can't afford it, we don't have the money. Her response was "Oh, no honey, you're wrong! We have plenty of money. We have an airplane!"

She got what she wanted.
There's some truth there.
My wife and I were having a discussion a while back about something she wanted, and I said no, we can't afford it, we don't have the money. Her response was "Oh, no honey, you're wrong! We have plenty of money. We have an airplane!"
She got what she wanted.

You can have plenty of money, or You can have an airplane.

Pick one!
Garmin pilot wind glide ring - backwards?

Can someone confirm if the garmin pilot glide ring is backwards. Mine says I can glide further into the wind. It ain't so. I noticed this on my last trip. I am using it on a Nexus 7 tablet.
Its just airplane dollars. Not the same as real dollars. You don't tell the wife about this kind of money or they ask for tradeoffs. :D

The same rule applies to shotguns, especially O/U skeet guns. :D