Halfway there...

Just stopped in Warsaw, MO (KRAW) for fuel ($4.60). Checked the shared track page and saw the error - I'll talk to the SPOT folks tomorrow <g>.

Smooth so far. 58*F at 11,500' - 170kt GS.

See you at OSH!

Awesome Doug, I wish I were going this year!!! We'll hold the fort down till you get back!! :D Be safe!!
Go, Doug!

Been watching your progress today, but had to break for lunch... my middle daughter refused to believe that SPOT tracking is more important than her lunch. (She gets all my SPOT messages texted to her cell phone).

Hopefully we'll see you in Osh tomorrow. Three of us are flying in a loose gaggle to get there by 9AM, we hope. The three: -6A, -7, & -8.
Doug's there?

I was tracking on the SPOT page and turned on the Live ATC feed also. I heard an RV cleared to land on R27 behind a King Air just before 5PM. I wonder if the broadcast was close enough to real time for that to be Doug?

OK, it looks like Doug landed on 36L according to SPOT.
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He is here...

Just met Doug for the first time. Nice guy, said he would empty his plane and let my kids climb around in it. I didnt take him up on it, but how many folks would say that after just flying in from texas and not having a beer yet.

The guy thinks he is pretty important...pulled right up to the SPOT booth and shut er down on the primo parking spot...geeez.
Geez indeed. :)

Here safe. Had a couple brews w/friends. In lobby of dorm now. Need sleep. More tomorrow. Thanks for following along and keeping an eye on the flight.

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Doug is on his way home!

Looks like Doug departed OSH about 10:49 CDT this morning and as of 12:38 CDT he is approaching Des Moines. I'm guessing he's gonna fly west of Kansas City to avoid yuk weather and to pick up some tailwinds.

Hit this link for his SPOT location.

Where will Doug's LEFT Turn Be?

If you're watching Doug on SPOT, you'll see he's flying in a direction which will require a LEFT turn at some point to reach 52F. Anybody wanna guess where he'll be turning LEFT?
I'm guessing it'll be near Concordia, KS. That's almost due north of 52F. Gotta go check the METARS.
Looks like he's landing at/near Beatrice, KS. He's been in the air four hours, so I guess it's about time!

P.S. OOPs, looks like Beatrice is in Nebraska. This sure doesn't look like Kansas, Toto!
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Looks like Doug is back in the air and now is heading south toward home. Smooth air, Doug!

P.S. Weathermeister shows if Doug cruises at 11,500 MSL, he'll initially have 26 knot tailwinds and his ETE will be about 2:30. Looks like he departed around 2:38 CDT so that should put him at 52F around 5:15 CDT. Looks like he may have some 11000 foot ceilings in OK, so he may have to fly a little lower. Interesting to see what time he gets home.

P.P.S. Sorry for using so much bandwidth, but this is exciting! Just think someday we'll be able mount a camera on Doug's head and watch his flight live!!!
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Gary Bricker

I am going to OSH tomorrow and will pick up my unit. How do someone look up a certain unit. Is there a ID for that unit. I used the link to watch Doug. But did someone have his ID.
I am going to OSH tomorrow and will pick up my unit. How do someone look up a certain unit. Is there a ID for that unit. I used the link to watch Doug. But did someone have his ID.

Yes, I picked up his link from his VAF news page...first paragraph, third sentence has the link.

Doug's Comin' Home

I bet he is getting his money's worth out of his auto-pilot and XM wx on his Garmin today!:D
I bet he is getting his money's worth out of his auto-pilot and XM wx on his Garmin today!:D

Yes...and after I looked at the weather going through DFW right now, I think I missed his arrival time at 52F. Maybe he'll still be able to get home before dark. I'm sure Doug will do the safe thing. Interesting to watch.

I agree, he is probably loving that XM weather right about now. By the time he gets a little closer to home, he'll probably be able to put down just behind the storm line and basically walk home from there before dark :).
It looks like our, not so, fearless leader punched a nice line of storms that I couldn't find a way through sitting here at telemetry central and is making a high speed run for home to beat the storms. Kudos to eyeballs out the window to determine what is possible. Doug, I want to hear about how you pulled that rabbit out of the hat (downfall of live tracking :).

Go Doug, Go! "Keep the speed up, white and blue RV. Storm traffic closing quickly at three o'clock. Land on the Green dot! Turn off of the runway a quickly as possible or you're gonna' get wet!"

Ok, I admit, I've been listening to too much live Oshkosh ATC radio.
Welcome home, Doug!

I must admit I was a little concerned when my screen just kinda got stuck when you were near McAlester, OK and wouldn't update. The radar returns for DFW and northeast didn't look too good at that time.
Anyway, glad you're home...and get to work! :p We're looking forward to your VAF.net page being updated tomorrow morning. :)

Had to go to 15,500' to get through a hole before the line of storms closed in on me (love that XM weather). The combination of autopilot and XM weather is just amazing....never felt in danger once and had 30 options at my fingertips. These are wonderful travelling machines!!!!!

Just in the door now and about to eat some food. I'll write up something later.

Thanks for keeping an eye on me Don!

Raining cats and dogs outside the window right now....


Looks like Doug is back in the air and now is heading south toward home. Smooth air, Doug!

P.S. Weathermeister shows if Doug cruises at 11,500 MSL, he'll initially have 26 knot tailwinds and his ETE will be about 2:30. Looks like he departed around 2:38 CDT so that should put him at 52F around 5:15 CDT. Looks like he may have some 11000 foot ceilings in OK, so he may have to fly a little lower. Interesting to see what time he gets home.

P.P.S. Sorry for using so much bandwidth, but this is exciting! Just think someday we'll be able mount a camera on Doug's head and watch his flight live!!!
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