Beautiful woman!!

WOW! What a gorgeous lady...

Yep, these RV's are chick magnets.....even more so than my XJS!

I'd venture to say that I've flown more beautiful women in my RV than my old T-6.

I hope Doug shows her these messages! ;)
Sorry, gents. She is spoken for. But, I'll fwd her this thread to let her know she has some options :).

The young lady in question:
Like trolling the supermarket with your baby niece in the shopping cart as bait... He he...

Ooooh... is that YOUR plane? ROFL
pierre smith said:
WOW! What a gorgeous lady...

Yep, these RV's are chick magnets.....even more so than my XJS!
Everyone calls the Jellybean "cute", but I certainly don't get women like that asking me for rides... ;) Maybe I need to trade up for an RV ....
It's a start...

Doug, congratulations on beginning the process of converting Leeann to a RV groupie... If that was her first flight in a small plane, this must mean that she's hooked with somebody that needs to get his priorities straight!

(Then again, he must be doing something right!!! LOL) :D
Include me to Doug

Include me to Doug if she ever wants a ride in my RED RV-6!!!!! LOL :) AJ
Do we need a calendar?

Something tastefully done? Doug sounds like there would be a market. Supplement the college fund! I'll buy a couple as long a Pierre is the editor!

BTW: She is an absolute doll.
Look at the BABE I got to fly in MY RV! (It's not just you, Doug..)

Who says that RV's aren't babe magnets? Adds a whole new meaning to stick time...! NO, I will NOT give ya'll her PHONE NUMBER, STOP ASKING.

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prporter said:
Who says that RV's aren't babe magnets? Adds a whole new meaning to stick time...! NO, I will NOT give you all her PHONE NUMBER, STOP ASKING.


Does she have a sister?
Your all gonna go blind!

And besides she 's pretty plain compared to my Wife!..:)

I just told her I was gonna write that BTW!

I just wonder if the Yoga Instructor has read these!!! She may tie Krash's ankles behind his head. Married to a Leigh Ann once, never ever look that hot. This LeeAnn could melt an Eskimo's ice house.

Hmmmm... I was looking for a girlfriend with ALL her front teeth... I was dating much older women... but dentures were getting quite expensive... ps I'll sign up for a calender if Doug approves one. Tastefully done of course....(blush)
Yes we do need one !

I was thinking this yesterday - sort of a calendar of the "Doll's Behind the Builder" ... the spouse/girlfriend poses with the finished ride.

I believe it *can* be tastefully done. We've already got a source for "Van's Calendars" ... how about a "Van's Airforce Calendar".

We need a VAF calender with LADY'S YESSSSSSS!!!!

WE need a VAF calendar for us SINGLE GUYS,,,, or the ones that are married and ??????? just wanting to look. RV'S WITH A GIRL each month Calendar would be great!!!! Just like the SNAPON CALENDARS... Just a thought for the VAF store. You listenting D.R. or moderators???? Throw in a new VAF sticker to boot also! AJ :)
Proposed Ad for New Calendar

Builder?s Babes Calendar

New and HOT off the press? VAF?s new Builder?s Babes Calendar. Move over Sports Illustrated. This new calendar makes your flat-belly swimsuit edition look like a poorly done spread featuring ?Women of The View?. Each month features a REAL beauty who supports the man she loves by allowing him to pursue his dream. Even when it doesn?t make any sense to her! This is a must have for anyone building or planning to build an airplane. Hurry and purchase yours NOW. Supplies are limited! Operators are standing by. AND, if you are one of the first 10 buyers, we?ll throw in a completed, flying RV of your choice! That?s right a FREE airplane. So call NOW!

(Disclaimer: Free aircraft offer is limited to first 10 callers. Separate shipping and handling charges apply and must be paid when purchasing the calendar. Please allow up to 520 weeks for delivery. Calendar purchasers and viewers agree not to ?hit on? any builder?s babe featured in the calendar at fly-ins, EAA meetings, or other such gatherings of builders/pilots. All sales are final. Your mileage may vary. VAF is not responsible for any negative consequences of purchasing and/or viewing the calendar. This includes but is not limited to the following: jealous spouse/significant other, divorce, damage to purchaser?s aircraft resulting from above, feelings of despair, yearning, lust, and others. Furthermore, VAF is not responsible for any injuries to the purchaser while they walk to/from the mailbox to check to see if their calendar has arrived or actually retrieve their calendar. Purchaser agrees to hold harmless VAF and any of its advertisers, members, attorneys, and others who are even remotely associated with VAF and any of its advertisers, members, attorneys, and others. Other limitations and exclusions apply. See Time is of the essence.)

Another disclaimer... The above ad is a joke and herein referred to as "the Joke". Readers of the Joke understand that the above is not real. They further agree to hold harmless and not spam the writer of the Joke. :D
OMG!! I laughed my butt off.

I even found myself reading the disclaimer really really fast like they do on TV. Then I did something even more ignorant, I clicked the link!! HA Good post!! :D :D